SpecialtyArchitectural design QualificationArchitect (SPbGASU, 2012)
Postgraduate studiesArchitecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architecture QualificationResearcher. Teaching researcher (SPbGASU, 2016)
Prefessional development
- International summer school of architecture at the Academy of Architecture, Rotterdam, Netherlands (2011)
- Internship at the Sofia University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy, Bulgaria (2019)
- Design of buildings and structures. Works on the architectural solutions development (SPbGASU, 2020)
- Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020)
- Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020)
- Architectural design of buildings and multifunctional complexes (bachelor's, master's programs)
- Design and research on the profile of training (master's program)
- Methods of scientific research in architectural design (master's program)
Professional interests
- Design of detached houses
- Design of apartment buildings
- Design of tourist complexes
- Design of apartment interiors and detached houses
- Design of public buildings interiors
Research interests
- Design of residential and public buildings in nothern climate conditions
- Complex approach to design of buildings and city environment
Scientific conferences
Aleksandra Eremeeva has participated in more than 40 scientific conferences and project seminars. The most significant are:- Project seminar on energy efficient construction "Passive House" (Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2010)
- Project seminar "New Urbanism" within the framework of the architectural competition of graduation projects "Degree and Profession" (Florence, Italy, 2011)
- 13th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices (St Petersburg State University, 2019)
- Interuniversity online conference "Focus on the Arctic" (MARCHI, 2022);
- Scientific conference "Architecture and the City after the Pandemic" (Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning (NIITIAG)), Moscow, 2020);
- XI International Forum "Arctic: Present and Future" (St Petersburg, 2021);
- X International Symposium and Exhibition "Relate North: Everyday Extremes 2021" (Tomsk, 2021);
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Territorial Development of the Arctic Zone and Ways to Solve Them" (SPbGASU, 2021);
- Interregional Scientific Conference "Modern Public Spaces as a Tool for Urban Environment Development" (member of the organizing committee; SPbGASU, 2018–2022);
- VI International Forum "Creative Industries of the Arctic Region: Experience and Development Prospects" (Murmansk Arctic State University, Murmansk, 2022);
- XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference "Topical Issues in Architecture and Construction" (Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)), Novosibirsk, 2023);
- VIII International Arctic Summit "Arctic: Prospects, Innovations and Development of Regions" (2024);
- II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Future of Arctic Architecture. Comfortable Human Living in the Arctic" (Synergy University, MArchI; Moscow, 2024);
- VI, VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "A City Fit for Living" (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk; 2023, 2024);
- Annual International Conference "Architectural Seasons at SPbGASU".
Professional organizations
- Member of the Union of Architects of Russia
- Adviser of RAACS.