
Grambovskaya Larisa V.


Acting head of department
Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Pedagogic Sciences (2009)

Academic title

Associate professor (2011)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty Mathematics

Qualification Teacher of Mathematics (Taras Shevchenko Pedagogical Institute of Chernigov, 1986)

Postgraduate studies Theory and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics

Qualification PhD of Pedagogic Sciences (Dragomanov National Pedagogic University of Kiev, 2009)

Professional development

  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values ​​(SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of a construction university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2018, 40 hours)
  • Algorithmic approaches of graph theory in innovative educational technologies for teaching mathematical disciplines (SPbGASU, 2019, 40 hours)
  • Peculiarities of implementing international educational activities and the recognition of foreign documents on education in the current period (St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2022, 36 hours)
  • Elements of modern algebra in the system of higher mathematical education (Altai State University, 2022, 72 hours)


  • Mathematics
  • Higher mathematics
  • Differential equations

Professional interests

  • Scientific research on methods of teaching mathematics in secondary and higher schools
  • Improving the methodological support of independent work of students
  • Creation of electronic study guides using special software

Research interests

  • Theory and methods of teaching mathematics at school and university with computer support
  • Research and project activities of students and schoolchildren

Scientific conferences

Larisa Grambovskaya has participated in more than 20 scientific conferences.


Larisa Grambovskaya is the author of more than 20 articles, published in scientific journals.

The most significant publications


  1. Grambovskaya, L. V. Research activities in the study of planimetry as a powerful source of development of identity and intrinsic value of students / L. V. Grambovskaya // Didactics of mathematics: problems and research: international collection of scientific papers. - Donetsk: Publishing House of DonNU, 2007. - Issue. 28. - P. 169-177.
  2. Grambovskaya, L. V. Peculiarities of student-centered learning / L. V. Grambovskaya // Didactics of mathematics: problems and research: international collection of scientific papers. - Donetsk: Publishing house of DONU, 2009. - Issue. 31. - P. 88–92.
  3. Grambovskaya, L. V. Computer dynamic models as a means of providing the process of teaching geometry in modern school / L. V. Grambovskaya // Computer in school and family. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 14–17.
  4. Grambovskaya, L. V. Research approach based on information technology in solving geometric construction problems / L. V. Grambovskaya // Problems of improving the quality of education in line with acmeology: collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Gomel, Belarus, November 18–19 2010: in 2 parts; State Educational Establishment "Gomel Regional Institute for the Development of Education" / Ed. board: N. V. Kukharev (executive ed.) [et al.] - Gomel: Publishing House of the Gomel OIRO, 2010. - Issue. XII. - Part 1. - P. 18–23.
  5. Grambovskaya, L. V. The use of information and communication technologies in the process of teaching geometry as one of the directions for improving the pedagogical skills of teachers / L. V. Grambovskaya // Didactics of mathematics: problems and research: international collection of scientific papers. - Donetsk: Publishing House of DonNU, 2011. - Issue. 35. - P. 107-113.
  6. Grambovskaya, L. V. Methods of using computer modeling in the process of solving applied stereometric problems for construction / L. V. Grambovskaya // Mathematics at school. - 2011. - No. 5. - P. 40–45.
  7. Grambovskaya, L. V. A technique for solving linear equations with a parameter containing the modulus sign / L. V. Grambovskaya // Mathematics at school. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 13–17.
  8. Grambovskaya, L.V. Solving linear equations with a parameter in different ways / L.V. Grambowska // Mathematics in the modern school. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 23–29.
  9. Grambovskaya, L. V. Improving the ability to solve equations with parameters as one of the aspects of the professional competence of mathematics teachers / L. V. Grambovskaya // Mathematics in the modern school. - Kyiv: Pedagogical press, 2012. - No. 3. - P. 43–46.
  10. Grambovskaya, L. V. Solving construction problems using pedagogical software tools of dynamic mathematics / L. V. Grambovskaya // Problems of the theory and practice of teaching mathematics: a collection of scientific papers presented at the International Scientific Conference "66th Herzen Readings" (St Petersburg, April 16–21, 2013) / Ed. V. V. Orlova. - St Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University after A. I. Herzen, 2013. - P. 168-172.
  11. Grambovskaya, L. V. Methodological features of the textbook "Solving equations with parameters" using the pedagogical software GRAN1 / L. V. Grambovskaya // Bulletin of Cherkassy National University. - 2013. - Issue. No. 17 (270). – P. 42–48.
  12. Grambovskaya, L. V. Finding the number of roots of an equation with parameters of the type |ax + b| + |ax – b| = mx + n using heuristic guidelines / L. V. Grambovskaya // Traditions and innovations in modern education and upbringing: kindergarten, school, university: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Koryazhma, February 12–13, 2013. - Part 1 / Comp. I. V. Kuznetsova, V. V. Sushkov. - Koryazhma: Publishing house of the Koryazhma branch of the M.V. Lomonosov Nothern (Arctic) Federal University, 2013. – P. 113–116.
  13. Grambovskaya, L. V. The role of mathematical modeling in the preparation of students of economic specialties / L. V. Grambovskaya // Historical, legal, socio-economic and technological aspects of the development of society: International scientific and practical conference, March 21, 2014, Chernihiv : materials of reports and speeches; Ukranian and Russian institute (branch) of FGBOU Higher Prof. inst. "Moscow state mechanical engineering un-ty (MAMI)" in Chernihiv. - Chernigov: Desna Polygraph, 2014. - P. 86–90.
  14. Grambovskaya, L. V. Solution of linear equations with parameters and modules of the type |ax+b|+|ax–b| = f(x) / L. V. Grambovskaya // Bulletin of the Chernihiv State Pedagogical University after Taras Shevchenko: collection of scientific articles. - Chernigov: Publishing house of ChGPU after T. G. Shevchenko, 2014. - Issue 120.
  15. Grambovskaya, L. V. Creation of tasks with parameters based on the study of functional dependencies in a triangle / L. V. Grambovskaya // Bulletin of the Cherkassy National University after B. Khmelnitsky: collection of scientific articles. - Cherkasy: Publishing House of the ChNU after B. Khmelnitsky, 2015. - Issue. 17 (350). – P. 3–9.
  16. Grambovskaya, L. V. Improving the level of professional competence of mathematics teachers through the use of an electronic study guide / L. V. Grambovskaya // Bulletin of the Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko: collection of scientific articles. - Chernigov: Publishing house of ChGPU after T. G. Shevchenko, 2015. - Issue. 132. - P. 98-101.
  17. Grambovskaya, L.V. Creation of tasks with parameters based on the study of functional dependencies in a triangle / L.V. Grambovskaya // Problems of Mathematical Education (PMO-2015): Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Cherkasy, Cherkasy National University after B. Khmelnitsky, June 4–5, 2015 - Cherkasy: Publishing House of the ChNU after B. Khmelnitsky, 2015. - P. 156–161.
  18. Grambovskaya, L. V. Extracurricular work of students as a basis for the implementation of the competence-based approach / L. V. Grambovskaya // Historical, legal, socio-economic and technological aspects of the development of society: International scientific and practical conference on March 25, 2015, Chernihiv: materials of reports and speeches; Ukranian and Russian institute (branch) of FGBOU Higher Prof. inst. "Moscow state mechanical engineering un-ty (MAMI)" in Chernihiv. - Chernigov: Desna Polygraph, 2015. - P. 64–69.
  19. Grambovskaya, L. V. Development of personal qualities of students in geometry lessons based on the use of dynamic mathematics software / L. V. Grambovskaya // Information technologies in the educational process 2016: regional scientific and practical Internet conference: abstracts; Chernihiv regional postgraduate inst. of pedagogics after K. D. Ushinsky, Chernigov, December 12–17, 2016. - Chernigov: Desna Polygraph, 2016.
  20. Grambovskaya, L. V. Formation of mathematical competencies of high school students in the process of solving equations with parameters / L. V. Grambovskaya // Development of science in the XXI century: XX International correspondence scientific and practical conference: collection of scientific articles. - Part 3. - Kharkov: Publishing House of the Research Center "Knowledge", 2016.
  21. Badanina, L. A. The use of distance technologies in the process of full-time education of students in mathematics / L. A. Badanina, L. V. Grambovskaya // Notes of a scientist. – 2021. – No. 9–2. – P. 62–71.