
Karpov Boris N.


Visiting professor

Academic degree

DSc in Engineering (2000)

Academic title

Professor (1993)

Visiting address

2/5, Kurlyandskaya str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya st., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyHighways and airfields
QualificationRailway engineer (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1959)


  • Organization, planning and management of construction of highways
  • Fundamentals of architecture and building structures
  • Safety of functioning of transport structures
  • Special courses for students of the Institute for Continuing Education

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Expert and consulting work
  • Curriculum development
  • Editorial and publishing activities

Research interests

  • Research in the field of precast road surface theory, quality management systems, and safety of transport facilities. Personally developed the first technical project for a pedestrian zone in St Petersburg (Malaya Konyushennaya St.), a light embankment project on the Ring Road, and currently completed research on a new road surface design for heavy and intensive traffic, reducing rutting and cracking.

Scientific conferences

Boris Karpov participates in up to three conferences annually.


  • Medal for the development of virgin and fallow lands of Kazakhstan (1956)
  • Honorary Road Builder of Russia (1999)
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Education (2003)


Boris Karpov is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific works, including monographs, 4 textbooks, 12 author's certificates and invention patents.

The most significant publications


  1. Karpov, B. N. Fundamentals of construction, repair and maintenance of motor roads. – Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. – 208 p.


  1. Karpov, B. N. Direction and tasks of improvement and development of design solutions for road surfaces / B. N. Karpov, M. P. Klekovkina // Innovations and investments. - 2024. - No. 4. - P. 517-520.


  1. Karpov B. N., Klekovkina M. P., Semenov D. A. Road pavement with a composite road surface. Patent 2790607 Russian Federation, IPC E01C7/00, E01C 7/00 (2023.01); E01C 7/14 (2023.01); E01C 7/32 (2023.01); applicant and patent holder Karpov B. N., Klekovkina M. P. – No. 2022106267; declared 11.03.22; published 28.02.2023.