SpecialtyConstruction and road vehicles and equipment QualificationMechanic engineer (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1984)Field of studyStandardization and metrology QualificationMaster's degree (SPbGASU, 2017)
Professional development
- Labour protection in an educational institution (SPbGASU, 2020)
- Master in creating tests in Moodle (Center for professional and additional education "Lan", 2021)
- The teacher as a driving force for the development of the university (Center for professional and additional education "Lan", 2021)
- Actual issues of practical application of aspects of building materials science in the processes of quality management in construction (SPbGASU, 2021)
- Construction Materials
- Forensic examination of construction materials
- Architectural materials science
- International standardization and certification
- Concrete technology (laboratory practical training)
Professional interests
- Scientific research
- Curriculum development
- Improving teaching methods
Research interests
- Curriculum development
- Improvement of teaching methods
Scientific conferences
Lyudmila Kolesnikova has participated in more than 28 conferences.