SpecialtySteam generator engineering QualificationMechanic engineer (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M. I. Kalinina,1983)
Professional development
- The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- Inclusive education in higher school (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
- Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- Computer-aided design system KOMPAS-3D (SPbGASU, 2016, 72 hours)
- Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
- Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020, 36 hours)
- Automated design system nanoCAD (SPbGASU, 2022, 16 h).
- Descriptive geometry
- Engineering graphics
- Computer graphics
Professional interests
- Teaching methods
- Improvement of teaching methods using technical means of training