
Mikhailova Anna O.


Director of the Institute for Continuing Education
Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Economic Sciences (2013)

Academic title

Associate professor


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005


Basic information


SpecialtyConstruction enterprise economics and management QualificationEconomist/manager (SPbGASU, 2006)

Professional development

  • Estimated documentation in construction (Institute for advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists of St Petersburg State University of Railway Transport, 2015)
  • Lawyer in the field of self-regulation in the construction industry (SPbGASU, 2015)
  • Development of basic and additional professional programs based on professional standards (N. P. Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management, 2017)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Trends in digital education (Uright Academy LLC, 2020)
  • Project Management of the Digital Environment of the University (NRU MEPhI, 2021)
  • Implementation of digital technologies in educational programs (Innopolis University, 2021)


  • Accounting
  • Taxation
  • Budgeting

Professional interests

  • Education technologies
  • Curriculum development
  • Advisory service on business organization

Research interests

  • Competitive ability of construction organizations
  • Financial accounting
  • Self-control

Scientific conferences

Anna Mikhailova has participated in 13 scientific conferences.

The most significant publications


  1. Mikhailova, A. O. Management of holdings / A. O. Mikhailova // On the way to revival: theory and practice of management in conditions of economic crisis // Scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2009. - P. 88–98.
  2. Mikhailova, A. O. Budget planning and management accounting for investment and construction holdings /A. O. Mikhailova // Actual problems of modern construction: collection of materials of the 61st International scientific and technical conference of young scientists; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - Part V. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. - P. 35–38.
  3. Mikhailova, A. O. Holding structure of a business organization as a variant of survival in a crisis / A. O. Mikhailova // Reports of the 67th Scientific conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - Part V. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2010. - P. 65–69.
  4. Mikhailova, A. O. Management of corporations: legal aspects / A. O. Mikhailova // Actual problems of modern construction: collection of materials of the 62nd International scientific and technical conference of young scientists; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - Part V. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2009. - P. 126–129.
  5. Mikhailova, A. O. The history of the formation of a holding business structure in Russia / A. O. Mikhailova // On the way to revival: theory and practice of management in the conditions of Russia's transition to an innovative development path: scientific papers of the Russian scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2009. - P. 173-177.
  6. Mikhailova, A. O. Shortcomings of the taxation as deterrent of development of small business / A. O. Mikhailova // Architecture - construction - transport: materials of the 71st Scientific conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015. - P. 184–187.
  7. Petukhova, Zh. G.Imperfection of the tax system as one of the factors hampering the development of entrepreneurship / Zh. G. Petukhova, A. O. Mikhailova // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2015. - No. 3 (50). – P. 274–281.
  8. Asaul, V. V. Information security in the context of the digital economy formation / V. V. Asaul, A. O. Mikhailova // Theory and practice of service: economics, social sphere, technologies. - 2018. - No. 4 (38). – P. 5–9.
  9. Kozlov, A. A. Socio-ecological potential of design objects on water / A. A. Kozlov, A. O. Mikhailova // Scientific electronic journal "Meridian". - 2019. - No. 15 (33). – P. 3–5.
  10. Ablyazov, T. Kh. Methods for minimizing the risks of investment and construction projects in a digital economy / T. Kh. Ablyazov, A. I. Vishnivetskaya, A. O. Mikhailova // Modern Science: Actual Problems of Theory and Practice. Series: Economics and law. - 2019. - No. 11. - P. 5–8.
  11. Gridnev, E. V. Problems of distribution of cash flows between the participants of the investment and construction process / E. V. Gridnev, A. O. Mikhailova // Global scientific potential. - 2019. - No. 10 (103). – P. 219–225.
  12. Mikhailova, A. O. Evaluation of the regional innovation activity of entrepreneurial structures in construction / A. O. Mikhailova, A. A. Skidan // Theoretical Economics. - 2021. - No. 4 (76). - P. 129-134.