Field of study Applied mechanics Qualification Master in technics and technologies (Saint Petersburg Marine Technical University, 2008)
Postgraduate studies Construction mechanics Qualification Researcher. Research teaching fellow (SPbGASU, 2016)
Professional development
According to the taught training course (module)
- Inspection of engineering structures of buildings and constructions (2021)
According to the profile of teaching activity
- Digital tools of a modern higher education teacher (SPbGASU, 2021, 36 hours)
- Psychological aspects of the effectiveness of teaching practice (SPbGASU, 2022, 16 hours)
- Innovative and digital technologies in education (SPbPUPV, 2022, 72 hours)
Information and communication technologies
- Digital tools of a modern higher education teacher (SPbGASU, 2021, 36 hours)
- Innovative and digital technologies in education (SPbPUPV, 2022, 72 hours)
- Strength of materials
- Theory of elasticity
- Fundamentals of the theory of plasticity and creep
- Dynamics and stability of structures
- Theory of plates and shells
Professional interests
- Scientific research
- Curriculum development
- Improvement of teaching methods
- Editorial and production
Research interests
- Mechanics of deformable solid
- Dynamics and stability of structures
Scientific conferences
Nadezhda Ostrovskaya has participated and organized more than 20 scientific and technical conferences, forums, and seminars.
Nadezhda Ostrovskaya is the author and co-author of 45 published scientific and educational works, including one monograph, 40 scientific articles and 4 study guides.RSCI ID: 402076.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3544-3832.