SpecialtyUrban cadastre QualificationEngineer (St Petersburg State Mining Institute, 2007)Postgraduate studiesUrban planning Qualification Researcher. Research teaching fellow (SPbGASU, 2018)
Professional development
- Preparation of design documentation for capital construction projects (SPbGASU, 2019)
- Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020, 144 hours)
- Project management in the digital educational environment of the university (NRNU MEPhI, 2021, 288 hours)
- Automation of planning the educational process, taking into account changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
- Urban planning and territorial planning (Interregional center for additional professional education "Intensiv", 2022, 502 hours)
- Urban-planning engineering
- Fundamentals of urban-planning engineering
- Fundamentals of urban planning and planning of settlements
- Geoinformation systems
- Typology of urban objects
- Integrated urban-planning engineering (master's program)
- Integrated engineering improvement of territories
- Pre-project research in urban planning
Research interests
- Information systems in urban planning, computer-aided design systems, geoinformation technologies in urban planning and land management
- Legal support of urban planning activities
- Organization and management of urban development of the territory, state and municipal management of the development of territories
- Design and research activities in the field of territorial planning, urban zoning, territory planning
- Modern trends in the theory of urban planning and territorial planning
- Pre-project research in urban planning