
Solodkiy Aleksandr I.



Academic degree

DSc in Economics (2010)

Academic title

Professor (2024)

Visiting address

Office 403-K, 2/5, Kurlyandskaya str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyHighways QualificationTransport Engineer (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1975)

Field of studyTransport Process Technologies QualificationMaster's degree (SPbGASU, 2017)

Professinal development

  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • Personnel management in the context of the implementation of professional standards and new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Information technologies for motor vehicles and in the road sector (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Transport planning and modeling (SPbGASU, 2019, 18 hours)
  • Technological processes and organization of road activities (Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2019, 72 hours)
  • Digital technologies in the management of the technical operation of transport in the implementation of educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ (Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, 2020, 36 hours)
  • Transport planning and modeling (St Petersburg Polytechnic University, 2021, 18 hours)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2021, 36 hours)
  • Master in creating courses in LMS Moodle (PPEI "Lan", 2021, 36 hours)


  • Transport infrastructure
  • Intelligent transport systems

Professional interests

  • Educational activities
  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of teaching methods

Research interests

  • Transport system development in cities and regions
  • Improvement of transportation complex management
  • Intelligent transport systems
  • Traffic organization and safety
  • Public and private partnership, long-term package contracts
  • Project management in transport construction
  • Scheduling in transport construction

Scientific conferences

Aleksandr Solodky has participated in more than 120 scientific conferences.

Professional organizations

  • Full member of the International Academy of Transport
  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Transport


Aleksandr Solodky is the author of more than 160 published scientific and educational works, including seven collective monographs, four textbooks, seven teaching aids and study guides.

The most significant publications


  1. Solodkiy, A. I. Calendar planning of construction of highways: textbook for students of specialty 1211 / A. I. Solodkiy, B. N. Karpov. - Leningrad: LISI Publishing House, 1985.
  2. Organization and conduct of contract tenders for objects and services in construction and municipal economy: textbook / N. V. Varlamov, Yu. P. Panibratov, A. M. Simanovsky, A. I. Solodkiy, R. B. Shakirov, V. A Yakovlev. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Association of Construction Universities, 2000.
  3. Organization of traffic: a textbook for technical universities / I. N. Pugachev, A. E. Gorev, A. I. Solodkiy, A. V. Belov: ed. A. E. Goreva. - Moscow: Academy, 2013.
  4. Solodkiy, A.I., Gorev, A.E., Bondareva, E.D. Transport infrastructure: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate students; ed. by A. I. Solodky. - Moscow: Academy, 2018.
  5. Gorev, A. E. Urban transport complex: textbook / A. E. Gorev, O. V. Popova, A. I. Solodkiy. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2022. - 274 p. - (Bachelor's degree) - ISBN: 978-5-406-08969-9.
  6. Solodkiy, A. I. Transport infrastructure: a tutorial for practical classes / A. I. Solodkiy, N. V. Chernykh. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2024.


  1. Solodkiy, A.I. Calendar planning for the construction and repair of highways / A.I. Solodkiy, B.N. Karpov. - Moscow: Transport, 1988.
  2. Theoretical foundations for organizing and conducting contract tenders in construction and municipal services / Varlamov N.V., Panibratov Yu.P., Simanovsky A.M., Solodkiy A.I., Shakirov R.B., Yakovlev V.A. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2000.
  3. A. I. Solodky. Organizational and economic bases for the formation of the road network in the context of regional development / A.I. Solodkiy. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2007.
  4. Management of traffic flows in cities: a collective monograph / E. A. Andreeva, K. Böttger, E. V. Belkova, A. N. Burmistrov, R. R. Gizatullin, A. E. Gorev, R. V. Dushkin, S. V. Zhankaziev, A. D. Zharkov, T. S. Kolosova, A. V. Kuznetsov, E. A. Kurochkin, V. V. Kurts, V. P. Morozov, A. V. Prokhorov, A. I Solodky, V. L. Shvetsov; under total ed. of A. N. Burmistrov, A. I. Solodky. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2019. - (Scientific thought.)

Other books

  1. Great encyclopedia of transport [in 8 vols.]. Volume 8: Transport Construction / Ed. by M. N. Pershin, A. I. Solodky. - Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2000.


  1. Solodkiy, A.I. Organizational, economic and legal problems of the formation of the Russian road network / A.I. Solodkiy // Economics and Management. - 2009. - No. 5. - P. 75–77.
  2. Solodkiy, A.I. Road network of the North-Western region: current state and development problems / A.I. Solodkiy // Problems of the modern economy. - 2009. - No. 2 (30). – P. 317–319.
  3. Solodkiy, A.I. Implementation of long-term complex contracts as a mechanism for modernization and innovative development of the road sector / A.I. Solodkiy, V.S. Zakhtarenko // World of roads. - 2010. - No. 49. - P. 6.
  4. Solodkiy, A.I. Evaluation of consumer properties of highways in the application of complex long-term contracts / A.I. Solodkiy, P.A. Lavrentiev // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 115.
  5. Solodkiy, A.I. Ways to increase the capacity of the street-road network of cities (on the example of St Petersburg) / A.I. Solodkiy, V.V. Kalinina // Road power. - 2012. - No. 40. - P. 32–36.
  6. Solodkiy, A.I. Approaches to the management of various regional innovation systems / A.I. Solodkiy, M.V. Ustinova // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 278.
  7. Solodkiy, AI Designing an economically efficient street and road network of cities / AI Solodkiy // Architect. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 78–81.
  8. Solodkiy, A.I. Priority directions of ITS development in Russian cities / A.I. Solodkiy // Autotransport enterprise. - 2014. - No. 9. - P. 11–15.
  9. Solodkiy, AI Improving the efficiency and safety of urban transport systems / AI Solodkiy // Collection of reports of the International Conference on Traffic Safety; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014. - p. 207–219.
  10. Solodkiy, AI Formation of rational options for the integration platform of local ASUDD / A.I. Solodkiy, V.K. Enokaev // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2015. - No. 6 (53). – P. 190–194.
  11. Solodkiy, A.I. Methodology for selecting PPP projects in the maintenance and repair of highways for off-budget financing / A.I. Solodkiy, P.A. Lavrentiev // Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal. - 2015. - No. 11. – P. 8.
  12. Solodkiy, A.I. Classification of city streets and roads / A.I. Solodkiy, O.V. Skvortsov, D.M. Nemchinov // Road power. - 2015. - No. 59. - P. 16–19.
  13. Solodkiy, A.I. Problems of functioning of the transport infrastructure of large cities of Russia and ways to solve them (on the example of St Petersburg) / A.I. Solodkiy // Transport planning and modeling: collection of proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference May 26–27, 2016 . - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - P. 136–144.
  14. Solodkiy, A.I. Methodology for choosing a rational option for integrating local automated control systems / A.I. Solodkiy // Innovations in transport and engineering: a collection of proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume I / Ed. by V. V. Maksarov; resp. ed. T. A. Menukhova, A. V. Terentiev. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - P. 57–60.
  15. Solodkiy, A.I. Development of ITS in Russia: problems and ways to solve them / A.I. Solodkiy // Science and technology in the road industry. - 2017. - No. 1 (79). – P. 18–20.
  16. System Approach to Elimination of Traffic Jams in Large Cities in Russia / Aleksandr Solodkiy, Andrei Gorev // World Applied Sciences Journal 23 (8): 1112-1117, 2013. ISSN 1818-4952 ©IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829 /idosi.wasj.2013.23.08.13130.
  17. Solodkiy A, Yenokayev V (2017) Cooperative ITS – A Strategic Way to Ensure Road Safety. Transportation Research Procedia, 20: 630-634.
  18. Determination of basic factors for the successful implementation of the safe and high-quality roads project. Transportation Research Procedia 36 (2018) 741–746 / Aleksandr Solodkiy, Andrey Gorev.
  19. Improving efficiency of traffic management and safety based on integration / Aleksandr Solodkiy, Andrey Gorev, Valentin Enokaev // Transportation Research Procedia 36 (2018) 207–212.
  20. Economic effciency of car. Journal of Mining Institute. Volume: 219. Pages: 444–448. DOI: 10.18454/PML2016.3.444 . Published: 2016./ Menukhova, T. A., Solodkiy A. I.
  21. Solodkiy, A.I. Safe and high-quality roads: key conditions for success / A.I. Solodkiy // Road power. - 2017. - No. 74. - P. 42–45.
  22. Formation of priority movement corridors of urban passenger. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/632/1/012013. A. E. Gorev, O. V. Popova and D. T. Ospanov.
  23. Solodkiy, A.I. Raising the level of road traffic service on the street-road network of cities / A.I. Solodkiy, N.V. Chernykh // Technique and technology of transport. - 2019. - No. 13.
  24. Solodkiy, A.I. Methods of increasing the level of traffic service on the street and road network of cities / A.I. Solodkiy // Transport planning and modeling: a collection of works. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - P. 148–153.
  25. V. Zedgenizov, K. V. Seliangin, А. I. Solodkiy Mathematical model of assessing urban planning decisions based on capital construction facilities location under the city plan. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 880, International Scientific Conference “Investments. Construction. Real estate: new technologies and targeted development priorities 2020” 23–24 April 2020, Irkutsk, Russian Federation. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012072
  26. Andrey Gorev, Olga Popova, Aleksandr Solodkiy. Demand-responsive transit systems in areas with low transport demand of “smart city”. Transportation Research Procedia Volume 50, 2020, Pages 160–166.
  27. Solodkiy, A.I. Raising the level of road traffic service in large and medium-sized cities of Russia / A.I. Solodkiy, N.V. Chernykh // Bulletin of civil engineers. - No. 1 (78). - 2020. - P. 191-197.
  28. Solodkiy, A.I. Development of intelligent transport systems in Russia: problems and ways to solve them. New stage. Intelligence. Innovation. Investments. - 2020. - No. 6. - P. 10–19. DOI: 10.25198/2077-7175-2020-6-10.
  29. N. V. Chernikh, A. I. Solodkiy Improving the level of traffic service on the road network of cities. Materials Science and Engineering, International Scientific and Technical Conference INTERSTROYMEH. – 2020. – № 786.
  30. Olga Popova, Andrey Gorev, Aleksandr Solodkij Bus route network planning in cities beyond the Arctic Circle. Transportation Research Procedia Volume 57,  2021, Pages 470–478.
  31. Anton Zedgenizov, Aleksey Bazan, Aleksandr Solodkiy Assessing the demand for parking near trip attractors in the Arctic zone. Transportation Research Procedia Volume 57, 2021, Pages 764–769.
  32. Anton Zedgenizov, Ivan Silinsky,  Aleksandr Solodkiy Transport delay assessment at signalized intersections feeding focal points. The VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technologies and Management of Transport Systems” (ITMTS 2021), Orel, Russia, May 18–19, 2021, Volume 341 (2021). Published online: 21 July 2021, DOI: org/10.1051/matecconf/202134100003.
  33. Medres, E. E. Improving the Efficiency of Road Safety Management in the Agglomeration's Road Network / E. E. Medres, N. V. Chernykh, A. I. Solodkiy // Transport Business of Russia. - 2023. - No. 3. - P. 172-174.
  34. Solodkiy, A. I. Organizational and Personnel Problems of Digital Transformation of the Transport Industry / A. I. Solodkiy, S. S. Evtyukov, N. V. Chernykh // Transport Business of Russia. - 2024. - No. 2. - P. 68-70.
  35. Solodkiy, A. I. Digital Transformation of the Transport Industry of the Russian Federation. Development Prospects / A. I. Solodkiy, S. S. Evtyukov, N. V. Chernykh // Bulletin of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI). – 2024. – No. 1 (76). – P. 91–99.
  36. Improving the efficiency and traffic safety of the functioning of the urban road network / E. E. Medres, E. G. Minyaeva, N. V. Chernykh, A. I. Solodkiy // Transport business of Russia. – 2024. – No. 2. – P. 154–160.



  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg"
  • Badge "Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia"
  • Badges "Honorary Road Worker of Russia", 1st and 2nd degrees
  • Medal named after A. A. Nikolaev
  • Badge "In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Department of Water and Land Communications"
  • Badge "Veteran of Labor"
  • Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • Honorary title "Honored Worker of Transport of the Russian Federation"
  • Badge "Civil Engineer of the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"

Additional information

  • Member of the technical committee for standardization No. 277 (TK-277) "Organization of traffic"
  • Member of the Transport and Logistics Committee of the St Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Company "AVTODOR"
  • Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of FAU "ROSDORNII"
  • Member of the Expert Council of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Educational Organization of Higher Education "Scientific and Technological University "Sirius""
  • Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of St Petersburg GKU "Directorate for the organization of traffic in St Petersburg"
  • Member of the Public Council under the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of St Petersburg
  • Member of the expert council for the development of a unified urban parking space in St Petersburg
  • Vice President of the Association of Transportation Engineers
  • Vice President of the Interregional Public Organization "Coordinating Council for the Organization of Road Traffic"