
Surovenkov Andrey V.


Head of department
Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Architecture


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Work time


Basic information


Speciality: Architecture
Qualification: Architect (SPbGASU, 2000)

Postgraduate studies Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architectural Design (2005)

Professional development

  • Preparation of design documentation for capital construction projects (SPbGASU, 2019)
  • Labour protection (SPbGASU, 2019)
  • Pedagogical technologies in the university educational process (SPbGASU, 2019)


  • Theory of the architectural environment formation
  • Architectural design (bachelor's programs)
  • Architectural design (master’s students supervision)

Professional interests

  • Urban environment design; design of residential and public buildings; design of public spaces 

Research interests

  • Design methodology

The most significant publications


  1. Planning organization of a group of residential buildings, environmental aspects: textbook / Comp. P. V. Skryabin, A. V. Surovenkov. - St Petersburg: Polytech-Press, 2021. - 112 p.
  2. Master's degree in "Design of the architectural environment": textbook / Comp. A. V. Surovenkov. - St Petersburg: Polytech-Press, 2021. - 89 p.


  1. Surovenkov, A. V. Development of pedestrian communications in a historical city - St Petersburg and the European experience / A. V. Surovenkov // Current issues of history and theory of architecture: materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - P. 43-51.
  2. Lavrov L., Surovenkov A. Problem of the pedestrian route system in the center of Saint Petersburg // Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2019 (TPACEE 2019), Moscow, Russia, Edited by Zheltenkov, A.; Mottaeva, A.; E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 164, id. 04025. - 2019. - P. 1573-1584. DOI:10.1051/e3sconf/202016404025
  3. Zima, A. G. Identity and authenticity of park ensembles of St Petersburg of the first half of the 18th century (on the example of Peterhof and Strelna) / A. G. Zima, A. V. Surovenkov // News of higher educational institutions. Construction. - 2019. - No. 10 (730). - P. 82-93.
  4. Lavrov, L. P. Pedestrian communications in the historical center of St Petersburg (abstract of the report) / L. P. Lavrov, A. V. Surovenkov // XIII International Conference of the KGA "Landscape Design of the City". - 2019. 
  5. Decline of "One-storied USSR" politics in the cities of Russia / M. V. Skopina, G. V. Stukalov, A. V. Surovenkov, Zh. V. Tukhtareva // Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage" (RRAH 2020). CRC Press (London). - 2020. - P. 29-42. DOI: 10.1201/9781003129097
  6. Lavrov, L. P. On evaluating the condition of the Saint Petersburg historic center / L. P. Lavrov, E. G. Molotkova, A. V. Surovenkov // Architecture and Engineering. - 2020. - Vol. 5, No. 3. - P. 29–42. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-29-42
  7. Demin, A. V. Analysis of world experience in designing eco-parks taking into account natural, climatic and cultural conditions / A. V. Demin, D. D. Ochirova, A. V. Surovenkov // Innovations and Investments. - 2020. - No. 5. - P. 260-263.
  8. Korzhempo, Ya. A. Directions for the development of territories as part of sports facilities / Ya. A. Korzhempo, A. E. Rybakova, A. V. Surovenkov // Innovations and Investments. - 2020. - No. 5. - P. 264-268.
  9. Surovenkov, A. V. Analysis of world experience in designing floating public spaces in an urban context / A. V. Surovenkov, Ya. V. Elizarova, A. D. Zakharova A. D. // Innovations and Investments. – 2020. – No. 5. – P. 269–271.
  10. Surovenkov, A. V. Principles of universal design on the example of the embankment on Vatny Island / A. V. Surovenkov, A. E. Chernichenko // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. – St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. – P. 78–82.
  11. Platonov, R. I. Methodology of development of historical territory on the example of the city of Ufa / R. I. Platonov, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 147-150.
  12. Borgoyakova, A. P. Organization of interaction of pedestrian and transport flows in public space / A. P. Borgoyakova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 205-210.
  13. Rybakova, A. E. The principle of organizing the territory as part of sports facilities on the example of Sochi / A. E. Rybakova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. – P. 211–215.
  14. Komarova, E. A. Architectural and design solutions for the 10th Anniversary of October Park in Astrakhan / E. A. Komarova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for developing the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. – P. 216–219.
  15. Kovalev, A. V. Development of architectural and design principles for the improvement of the territories of transport infrastructure facilities in St Petersburg / A. V. Kovalev, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 220-224.
  16. Ochirova, D. D. Principles of designing an eco-park as an ecotourism facility on Lake Baikal, taking into account the natural, climatic and cultural conditions of St Petersburg / D. D. Ochirova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 225-228.
  17. Zakharova, A. D. Modular floating structures as a means of improving water areas (using the Neva River as an example) / A. D. Zakharova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for developing the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 229-232.
  18. Abaeva, V. V. Architectural and design solution of an educational institution in Vladikavkaz / V. V. Abaeva, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for developing the urban environment: materials of the II Interregional scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 270-273.
  19. Lavrov, L. P. Open and public spaces of the historical spit of Vasilievsky Island / L. P. Lavrov, E. G. Molotkova, A. V. Surovenkov // News of higher educational institutions. Construction. - 2020. - No. 7 (739). - P. 47-60.
  20. Lavrov, L. P. Urban planning paradoxes of "Genius loci" in the historical center of St Petersburg / L. P. Lavrov, E. G. Molotkova, A. V. Surovenkov // Academia. Architecture and Construction. – 2021. – No. 1. – P. 85–91.
  21. Lavrov, L. P. St Petersburg: Forgotten Landscapes of the Historical Center / L. P. Lavrov, N. S. Novokhodskaya, A. V. Surovenkov // Third International Scientific and Practical Conference “Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage” (RRAH 2021). CRC Press (London). – 2021. – P. 59–63.
  22. Eremeeva, V. K. Revitalization of the system of public and street spaces in the village of Listvyanka (Irkutsk region) / V. K. Eremeeva, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the III Interregional scientific and practical conference [11-12 May, 2021]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. - P. 113-118. 
  23. Surovenkov, A. V. Principles of formation of ecological tourism objects in the Sahara Desert in Algeria on the example of the city of Al-Wadi / A. V. Surovenkov, S. Shabani // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the III Interregional scientific and practical conference [11-12 May, 2021]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. – P. 178–180. 
  24. Kolesnikova, A. Yu. Concept of an inclusive children's complex with a public recreational area / A. Yu. Kolesnikova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: Proceedings of the III Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference [11–12 May, 2021]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. – P. 126–130.
  25. Bashkirtseva, V. R. Problems and prospects for the development of agritourism complexes in the Republic of Karelia / V. R. Bashkirtseva, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the IV Interregional scientific and practical conference [4-5 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 327–331.
  26. Galiakbarov, R. R. Methodology for designing parking zones in post-Soviet neighborhoods aimed at solving the problems that have arisen with the growth of motorization / R. R. Galiakbarov, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for the development of the urban environment: materials of the IV Interregional scientific and practical conference [4-5 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 227–231.
  27. Surovenkov, A. V. Principles of formation of public spaces of embankment territories / A. V. Surovenkov, O. A. Ustimova // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: materials of the IV Interregional scientific and practical conference [4–5 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 158–165.
  28. Alipova, M. O. The Future of technologies in museums: world experience and audience engagement methods / M. O. Alipova, A. V. Surovenkov // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: Proceedings of the IV Interregional scientific and practical conference [4–5 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 238–241.
  29. Surovenkov, A. V. Principles of formation of ecotourism facilities in the Sahara desert, Algeria, using the example of Al-Wadi City / A. V. Surovenkov, S. Shabani // Modern public spaces as a tool for urban environment development: Proceedings of the IV Interregional scientific and practical conference [4–5 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 332–334.
  30. Matyushonok, A. N. Features of the organization of a tourism cluster in the territory of Taimyr / A. N. Matyushonok, A. V. Surovenkov // XII Regional Creative Forum with International Participation “Architectural Seasons at SPbGASU” [19–22 April, 2022]; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. – Saint Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 109–111.
  31. Eremeeva, V. K. Revitalization of coastal spaces of the village of Listvyanka (Irkutsk region) / V. K. Eremeeva, A. V. Surovenkov // XII Regional Creative Forum with International Participation "Architectural Seasons at SPbGASU" [19–22 April, 2022]. – St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – P. 100–102.
  32. Kolesnikova, A. Yu. Concept of an inclusive children's complex with a public recreational area / A. Yu. Kolesnikova, A. V. Surovenkov // Prospects of Science. - 2022. - No. 3. - P. 257-260.
  33. Dmitry Yakovlev and Andrey Surovenkov. The Architecture of Multifunctional Prefabricated Hospitals. International Scientific and Practical Conference "ECSF 2021". Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Volume 257. Published by Springer International Publishing. - Cham, 2022. - P. 325-332. ISBN 978-3-030-99876-9.
  34. Bashkirtseva, V. R. Problems and prospects for the development of agrotourism complexes in the Republic of Karelia / V. R. Bashkirtseva, A. V. Surovenkov // Innovations and investments. – 2022. – No. 7. – pp. 177–180.