SpecialtyConstruction and operation of buildings and structures QualificationCivil engineer (Leningrad Higher Military Engineering Construction School, 1986)
Professional development
- Estimated rationing and pricing in construction (Institute of Applied Automation and Programming, 2014, 72 hours)
- The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process (St. Petersburg State University, 2016, 20 hours)
- Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- Inclusive education in higher school (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
- Technosphere safety (SPbGASU, 2019, 256 hours)
- Quantitative methods for solving applied problems (St Petersburg State University, 2020, 720 hours)
- Regulatory and technical regulation in the construction industry (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
- Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
- Methodological support of the academic discipline in the electronic educational environment of the university (St Petersburg State University of Aviation Instrument Engineering, 2021, 16 hours)
- Engineering preparation of territories
- Building process technologies
- Technology and organization of construction
- Building technology
Professional interests
- Scientific research in construction technology and organization
- Curriculum development
- Improvement of teaching methods
- Editorial and production
Research interests
- Academic programs development including active teaching methods
- Scientific supervision of master degree and postgraduate students
- Improving the technology of construction processes in the construction of monolithic buildings
- Technology and organization of operation and reconstruction of public buildings of historical St Petersburg
Scientific conferences
Yury Tilinin has participated in more than 20 scientific conferences, including:
- International scientific conference "Business technologies for sustainable urban development" (2018);
- 75th scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and PhD students of SPbGASU (2019);
- 72nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (2019);
- Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction" (2019);
- Regional scientific seminar "Discussion of the standard "Modern technologies for driving piles with indenting installations"" (2019);
- Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction" (2020);
- II All-Russian scientific conference "Organization of construction production" (2020);
- I All-Russian interuniversity scientific and practical conference of young scientists, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the SPbGASU department of construction technology (2020);
- VIII International scientific conference "Transport of Siberia" (2020);
- 11th International scientific and practical conference "Innovations in wood construction" (2021);
- I All-Russian interuniversity scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Technology and organization of construction", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the SPbGASU department of construction technology (2021).
- All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Communal and operational support of military infrastructure: horizons of the future" (St Petersburg, Military Academy of Logistics, 2023);
- III Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of natural and technical sciences" (2024);
- VII Professorial forum "Education, science, family - the foundations of Russia's development" (2024);
- LXXVIII International scientific and practical conference "Architecture - Construction - Transport - Economy" (2024). .