
Tilinin Yury I.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (1997)

Academic title

Associate professor

Visiting address

Offices 251-E - 253-E, 5/8, Egorova Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005


Basic information


SpecialtyConstruction and operation of buildings and structures QualificationCivil engineer (Leningrad Higher Military Engineering Construction School, 1986)

Professional development

  • Estimated rationing and pricing in construction (Institute of Applied Automation and Programming, 2014, 72 hours)
  • The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process (St. Petersburg State University, 2016, 20 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values ​​(SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Inclusive education in higher school (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Technosphere safety (SPbGASU, 2019, 256 hours)
  • Quantitative methods for solving applied problems (St Petersburg State University, 2020, 720 hours)
  • Regulatory and technical regulation in the construction industry (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Methodological support of the academic discipline in the electronic educational environment of the university (St Petersburg State University of Aviation Instrument Engineering, 2021, 16 hours)


  • Engineering preparation of territories
  • Building process technologies
  • Technology and organization of construction
  • Building technology

Professional interests

  • Scientific research in construction technology and organization
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of teaching methods
  • Editorial and production

Research interests

  • Academic programs development including active teaching methods
  • Scientific supervision of master degree and postgraduate students
  • Improving the technology of construction processes in the construction of monolithic buildings
  • Technology and organization of operation and reconstruction of public buildings of historical St Petersburg

Scientific conferences

Yury Tilinin has participated in more than 20 scientific conferences, including:

  • International scientific conference "Business technologies for sustainable urban development" (2018);
  • 75th scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and PhD students of SPbGASU (2019);
  • 72nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists (2019);
  • Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction" (2019);
  • Regional scientific seminar "Discussion of the standard "Modern technologies for driving piles with indenting installations"" (2019);
  • Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction" (2020);
  • II All-Russian scientific conference "Organization of construction production" (2020);
  • I All-Russian interuniversity scientific and practical conference of young scientists, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the SPbGASU department of construction technology (2020);
  • VIII International scientific conference "Transport of Siberia" (2020);
  • 11th International scientific and practical conference "Innovations in wood construction" (2021);
  • I All-Russian interuniversity scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Technology and organization of construction", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the SPbGASU department of construction technology (2021).
  • All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Communal and operational support of military infrastructure: horizons of the future" (St Petersburg, Military Academy of Logistics, 2023);
  • III Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of natural and technical sciences" (2024);
  • VII Professorial forum "Education, science, family - the foundations of Russia's development" (2024);
  • LXXVIII International scientific and practical conference "Architecture - Construction - Transport - Economy" (2024).
  • .


Yury Tilinin is the author and co-author of 68 published scientific and educational works.

The most significant publications


  1. Yudina, A. F. Construction of monolithic foundations: textbook / A. F. Yudina, Yu. I. Tilinin; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 194 p.
  2. Yudina, A. F. Production of earthwork and installation works of the zero cycle: textbook / A. F. Yudina, G. D. Makaridze, Yu. I. Tilinin; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 189 p.
  3. Yudina, A. F. Educational and introductory, first and second production practices and pre-graduation practice: study guide / A. F. Yudina, A. N. Gaido, Yu. I. Tilinin; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - 81 p.
  4. Yudina, A. F. Operation of buildings and structures: textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education / A. F. Yudina, Yu. I. Tilinin. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2022. - 240 p.
  5. Yudina, A. F. Construction of a one-story industrial building from metal elements: study guide / A. F. Yudina, Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. - 131 p.
  6. Kazakov, Yu. N. Technology of construction of buildings from three-dimensional blocks: textbook for universities / Yu. N. Kazakov, Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2022. - 136 p.
  7. Denisov, V. N. Technologies of construction processes: textbook for universities [In 3 parts] / V. N. Denisov, M. V. Romanenko, Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2023. - Part 1. General information on construction production. Zero cycle. - 284 p.: ill. - Text: direct.
  8. Denisov, V. N. Technologies of construction processes: textbook for universities [In 3 parts] / V. N. Denisov, M. V. Romanenko, Yu. I. Tilinin. - Part 2. Above-ground cycle. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2023. - 236 p.: ill. - Text: direct.
  9. Denisov, V. N. Technologies of construction processes: textbook for universities [In 3 parts] / V. N. Denisov, M. V. Romanenko, Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2023. - Part 3. The final stage of construction. - 144 p.: ill. - Text: direct.
  10. Tilinin, Yu. I. Technology of construction works of the zero cycle: textbook for universities / Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2024. - 148 p.
  11. Tilinin, Yu. I. Installation of elements of a steel frame and enclosing structures of a one-story industrial building: textbook for universities / Yu. I. Tilinin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2024. - 112 p.
  12. Tilinin, Yu. I. Technology of construction of precast-monolithic frame buildings: textbook for universities / Yu. I. Tilinin, P. A. Pegin. - St Petersburg: Lan, 2025. - 104 p.: insert (12 p.). - Text: direct.


  1. House-building technologies in the system of preservation and development of the architectural and planning structure of historical Russian cities: monograph / Yu. I. Tilinin, O. A. Pastukh, D. A. Zhivotov, A. N. Panin; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. – 239 p.


  1. Tilinin Yu. I. Influence of drainage system technology on the consolidation of the alluvial sand massif / Yu. I. Tilinin, A. F. Yudina // Bulletin of civil engineers. – 2018. – № 6 (71). – P. 111–112.
  2. Tilinin, Yu. I. Shore abrasion and development of the recreational coastal area of the Gulf of Finland in Sestroretsk / Yu. I. Tilinin, O. V. Kozlov, K. S. Ruleva // Modern construction and architecture. - 2018. - No. 4 (12). – P. 725–729.
  3. Tilinin, Yu. I. Actual trends in raising the level of the educational process and scientific research in a construction university / A. N. Egorov, O. N. Dyachkova, Yu. I. Tilinin // Pedagogical parallels: materials of the V International scientific and practical conference 14– 20 May, 2018 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 199–203.
  4. Tilinin, Yu. I. Technology for the reconstruction of soil and asphalt concrete pavements of special-purpose highways by the method of cold regeneration / Yu. I. Tilinin, M. P. Ilyev, A. P. Lebyodkin // Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction: collection of scientific papers of the participants of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference / Total ed. by DSc in engineering, Pr. A. N. Biryukov. - St Petersburg: VI (IT), 2018. - P. 101–107.
  5. Egorov, A. N. Actual trends in raising the level of the educational process and scientific research in a construction university / A. N. Egorov, O. N. Dyachkova, Yu. I. Tilinin // Pedagogical parallels: materials of the V International scientific and practical conference 14– 20 May, 2018 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 199–203.
  6. Egorov, A. N. Application of an automated system for optimal operational planning in the educational process / A. N. Egorov, Yu. I. Tilinin, G. D. Makaridze // Pedagogical parallels: materials of the VI international scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 280–283.
  7. Tilinin, Yu. I. Organization of experimental destruction of pipe grouting in soil / Yu. I. Tilinin, E. V. Khoroshenkaya, L. G. Vorona-Slivinskaya // Architecture - construction - transport: materials of the 74th scientific conference of the faculty and graduate students of the university. 3–5 October, 2018: [in 2 parts]; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. – Part I. Architecture and construction. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 117–119.
  8. Tilinin Yu. I. Influence of drainage system technology on the consolidation of the alluvial sand massif / Yu. I. Tilinin, A. F. Yudina // Bulletin of civil engineers. – 2018. – No 6 (71). – P. 62–67.
  9. Antonina Yudina, Yurii Tilinin / Selection of criteria for comparative evaluation of house building / Antonina Yudina, Yurii Tilinin // «Architecture and Engineering» (ISSN: 2500-0055) V. 4, № 1 (2019). P. 47–52.
  10. Tilinin, Yu. I. Development of housing construction technologies in St Petersburg / S. A. Evtyukov, A. F. Yudina // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 1 (72). – P. 110–119.
  11. Tilinin, Yu. I., Improving the technology of strengthening concrete columns during the reconstruction of frame buildings / Yu. I. Tilinin, D. A. Zhivotov, A. F. Yudina // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 2 (73). – P. 104–111.
  12. Tilinin Yu. I. On the issue of automation of monolithic housing construction processes, taking into account the study of structural steels in construction robotics / Yu. I. Tilinin, S. A. Evtyukov, A. P. Shcherbakov // Bulletin of civil engineers. – 2019. – No. 3 (74). – P. 72–79.
  13. ТIlinin, Yu. I., Improving the technological process of supplying concrete mixture to the formwork / Yu. I. Tilinin, G.D. Makaridze, E.V. Khoroshenkaya // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 4 (75). – P. 74–80
  14. Modern technologies for strengthening wooden rafters in apartment buildings of the historical part of St Petersburg / V. Z. Velichkin, D. A. Zhivotov, V. V. Latuta, Yu. I. Tilinin // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 5 (76). – P. 125–131.
  15. Dyachkova, O. N. Rational application of house-building technologies / O. N. Dyachkova, Yu. I. Tilinin, V. A. Ratushin // Housing construction. - 2020. - No. 1–2. – P. 11–15.
  16. Tilinin, Yu. I. Development of the organization and technology of large-panel housing construction in the conditions of urban construction / Yu. I. Tilinin, S.A. Bakhtinov // Organization of construction production: materials of the II All-Russian scientific conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 85–93.
  17. Zhivotov, D. A. Technology for the construction of a special geodesic dome, taking into account the results of the experiment / D. A. Zhivotov, Yu. A. Tilinin // Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction: collection of articles based on the materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference; VI (IT) VA MTO. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2020. - P. 27–36.
  18. Tilinin, Yu. I. Technologies for the construction of residential apartment buildings in St Petersburg / Yu. I. Tilinin, V. Yu. Tilinin // Modern trends in the development of technology, organization and economics of construction: collection of articles based on the materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference; VI (IT) VA MTO. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2020. - P. 54–62
  19. Vorona-Slivinskaya L. G. Evaluation of the efficiency of the in-line method in road construction / L. G. Vorona-Slivinskaya, Yu. I. Tilinin // Organization of construction production: materials of the II All-Russian scientific conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - P. 35–40.
  20. Tilinin, Yu. I. Improving the manufacturability of mounting frame-panel prefabricated buildings / Yu. I. Tilinin, D. A. Zhivotov, V. Yu. Tilinin // Engineering and construction bulletin of the Caspian Sea region. - 2021. - No. 1 (35). – P. 34–37..
  21. Evtyukov, S. A., Research on the technology of construction of frame-panel and modular buildings in the Arctic / S. A. Evtyukov, L. M. Kolchedantsev, Yu. I. Tilinin // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2021. - No. 5 (88). – P. 84–94.
  22. Scaffolding as combined protective screens in the organization of construction of multi-storey buildings / R. V. Motylev, Ch. O. Bakhtinova, Yu. I. Tilinin, S. A. Bakhtinov // Bulletin of civil engineers. – 2021. – No. 4 (87). – P. 60–78.
  23. The choice of technology for the operational construction of infrastructure facilities, taking into account the durability of buildings / Yu. I. Tilinin, Ch. O. Bakhtinova, E. V. Khoroshenkaya, V. Yu. Tilinin // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2021. - No. 1 (84). – P. 90–96.
  24. Tilinin, Yu. I. Improvement of dispersed monolithic construction on the coastal territory / Yu. I. Tilinin, D. A. Zhivotov // Building materials. - 2021. - No. 7. - P. 10–17.
  25. Zhivotov, D. A. Construction of geodesic domes from wood and plastic / D. A. Zhivotov, Yu. I. Tilinin // Innovations in wooden construction: materials of the 11th International scientific and practical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. - P. 262–268.
  26. Zhivotov, D. A. Promising technologies for the additive production of carbon fiber wall formwork / D. A. Zhivotov, Yu. I. Tilinin // Engineering and construction bulletin of the Caspian Sea region. - 2022. - No. 2 (40). – P. 32–36.
  27. Tilinin, Yu. I. New technologies for the construction of modular buildings from sea containers / Yu. I. Tilinin, V. Yu. Tilinin // Actual problems of military scientific research. - 2022. - No. S1 (20). – P. 191–200.
  28. Improvement of structural and technological solutions of wood-composite building systems based on the geodesic dome // Zhivotov D. A., Tilinin Y. I., Latuta V. V. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022. Т. 182. P. 303–311.
  29. Experimental studies of nodal joints of wooden elements in trusses and geodesic domes // Zhivotov D., Tilinin Yu. Architecture and Engineering. 2022. Т. 7. № 2. P. 96–105.
  30. Tilinin, Yu. I. Technologies of construction of buildings in urban conditions / Yu. I. Tilinin, D. A. Zhivotov // Engineering and construction bulletin of the Caspian region. - 2023. - No. 1 (43). - P. 32–37. - DOI 10.52684/2312-3702-2022-43-1-32-37. - EDN CETUNY. (HAC, category 3)
  31. Zhivotov, D. A. Strength of joints wooden elements of roof farms and geodesic dome coverings reconstruction of historical buildings / D. A. Zhivotov, Yu. I. Tilinin // Engineering and construction bulletin of the Caspian region. - 2023. - No. 2 (44). - P. 41–47. – DOI 10.52684/2312-3702-2023-44-2-41-47. – EDN BNOJOO. (HAC, category 3)
  32. Tilinin, Yu. I. Research of frame-panel and modular technologies at construction sites of the military construction complex / Yu. I. Tilinin, O. G. Stupakova, E. V. Khoroshenkaya // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. – 2023. – No. 1 (96). – P. 80–86. – DOI 10.23968/1999-5571-2023-20-1-80-86. – EDN NEVNDH. (HAC, category 1)
  33. Zhivotov, D. A. Improving the design of truss systems of reconstructed historical buildings / D. A. Zhivotov, Yu. I. Tilinin, Yu. V. Pishchalov // Bulletin of the Engineering School of the Far Eastern Federal University. - 2023. - No. 4 (57). - P. 112–120. - DOI 10.24866/2227-6858/2023-4/112-120. - EDN LJTBCN. (HAC, category 2)
  34. Tilinin, Yu. I. Improvement of monolithic technologies for the construction of port facilities and buildings / Yu. I. Tilinin, D. A. Zhivotov, M. V. Molodtsov // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region. - 2023. - No. 3 (45). - P. 38–43. – DOI 10.52684/2312-3702-2023-45-3-38-43. – EDN PZCTPQ. (HAC, category 3)
  35. Yudina, A. F. Additive Technologies for Manufacture of Formwork / A. F. Yudina, D. A. Zhivotov, Y. I. Tilinin // Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. – 2023. – Vol. 257. – P. 311-318. – DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-99877-6_37. – EDN NSVCBR. (Scopus, quartile 4)
  36. Tilinin, Yu. I. Prerequisites for the Development of Industrial Construction Methods in St Petersburg / Yu. I. Tilinin // Construction and Reconstruction. – 2024. – No. 1 (111). – P. 117–128. – DOI 10.33979/2073-7416-2024-111-1-117-128. – EDN MIANUT. (HAC, category 1)
  37. Tilinin, Yu. I. Selection of technological ways for strengthening rubble foundations and brick walls during reconstruction of old buildings in St Petersburg / Yu. I. Tilinin // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region. – 2024. – No. 3 (49). – P. 18–24. – DOI 10.52684/2312-3702-2024-49-3-18-24. – EDN MPOQLG. (HAC, category 3)
  38. Tilinin, Yu. I. Assessment of the suitability of old buildings for reconstruction with subsequent formation of technological and organizational solutions / Yu. I. Tilinin // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region. - 2024. - No. 4 (50). - P. 53-59. - DOI 10.52684/2312-3702-2024-50-4-53-59. - EDN ONPAJM. (HAC, category 3)

Additional information

Has a working profession "Pipe layer of the fourth category" and experience in the construction of a reinforced concrete chimney in a climbing formwork, silo cans in a sliding formwork; during training practice worked as a sinker in the metro construction.

From 1986 to 1990 took part as a foreman in the construction of military facilities.

From 1990 to 2005, served in the military in the scientific laboratories of VITU in scientific positions.