
Yankovskaya Yulia S.


Head of department

Academic degree

DSc in Architecture (2007)

Academic title

Professor (2008)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty Architecture

Qualification Master of Architecture (Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art, 1998)

Professional development

  • Development and implementation of electronic courses on the LMS Moodle platform in the educational process (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Professional standard of urban planning practice (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection in an educational institution (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020, 36 hours)


  • Methodology of urban planning (bachelor's degree)
  • Urban design (bachelor's degree)
  • Research work of students (master's degree)
  • Design and research (master's degree)
  • Integrated urban design (master's program)
  • Current issues of modern architecture (postgraduate studies)
  • Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (postgraduate studies)
  • Research activities (postgraduate studies)

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of Architecture and Urban Planning Design teaching methods
  • Active teaching methods, development of students’ creative and scientific potential
  • Curriculum development including active teaching methods

Research interests

  • Theory of architecture and urban planning
  • History of architecture and urban planning
  • Architectural typology
  • Residential and public buildings architectural design
  • Urban design

Scientific conferences

Yulia Yankovskaya has participated in more than 100 scientific conferences including international, national, regional ones.

Professional organizations

  • Member of the Union of Architects of Russia (2008)
  • Member of the Town Planning Council of the Leningrad Region
  • Member of the dissertation council D 212.223.05 at SPbGASU


Yulia Yankovskaya has published more than 200 papers including four monographs, 12 study guides and one textbook.

The most significant publications


  1. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Architectural and environmental object: image and morphology: study guide / Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2012. (Approved as a textbook for students majoring in "Design of the architectural environment" of the AMA for education in the field of architecture of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.)
  2. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Architectural design and research in master's programs: study guide / Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2014.
  3. Bezirganov M. G., Vinnitsky M. V., Shupletsov V. Zh., Gromada V. V., Dekterev S. A., Tretyakov D. I., Yankovskaya Yu. S. Architectural design and research in master's programs: study guide / ed. by S. A. Dektereva. - Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2019.
  4. Merenkov, A. V. Modern low-rise housing in educational design: study guide / A. V. Merenkov, Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - St Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2020.
  5. Merenkov, A. V. Architecture of the urban environment. Image and morphology: study guide / A. V. Merenkov, Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - St Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2021.
  6. Merenkov, A. V. Structural organization of multifunctional public buildings: study guide / A. V. Merenkov, Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - St Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2021.


  1. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Semiotics in architecture - a dialogue in interaction: the place of semiotic research in the modern theory of architecture / Yu. S. Yankovskaya. -Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2003.
  2. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Image and morphology of an architectural object / Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2004.
  3. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Architecture in the post-industrial world / Yu. S. Yankovskaya. - Ekaterinburg: publishing house of UrGAHU, 2007.
  4. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. "Green architecture" and sustainable development of the living environment of a modern city / Yu. S. Yankovskaya, A. V. Merenkov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020.


  1. Architectural Theory in Russia: Holding on the Past or Looking to the Future? // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture Landscape Architecture and Art, Volume 2, Number 2, 2013. - P. 50-58.
  2. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Morphological structure and adaptability of an architectural object / Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Academic Bulletin UralNIIproekt RAASN. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 76-78.
  3. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Restricted spaces: some aspects of architectural typology / Yu. S. Yankovskaya, E. R. Polyantseva // Architecture and modern information technologies. - 2016. - No. 4 (37). - P. 116-126.
  4. Merenkov, A. V. Social housing: prospects for improvement / A. V. Merenkov, Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2016. - No. 1–2 (217–218). – P. 58–67.
  5. Yankovskaya Y. S., Merenkov A. V. Image and morphology in modern theory of architecture / Y. S. Yankovskaya, A. V. Merenkov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – V. 262. – 2017. – P. 012134.
  6. Yankovskaya, Y.Lobanov, Y.Temnov, V. (2018) Structural and compositional features of high-rise buildings: Experimental design in YekaterinburgE3S Web of Conferences 33, 01029 (2018).
  7. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Kostroma - the formation of urban identity: city and river, history and modernity / Yu. S. Yankovskaya, Yu. K. Andreeva // Architecture and modern information technologies. - 2018. - No. 4 (45). - P. 314-328.
  8. Vaytens, A.Yankovskaya, Y. (2018) Saint-Petersburg landscape scenarios and green architecture in the strategy of urban developmentMATEC Web of Conferences, 170, 02001.
  9. Vaytens A., Yankovskaya Y. Renovation of mass residential development in late 1950s – early 1970s in St. Petersburg: problems and perspectives / A. Vaytens, Y. Yankovskaya // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety. – 2019. – P. 055028.
  10. Yavein, O. I. Modern architecture as an individual generation and collective action / O. I. Yavein, Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2019. - No. 4 (232). – P. 52–59.
  11.  Yankovskaya Y., Zavarikhin S., Kurbatov Y., Pukharenko Y. Theory of architectural morphogenesis (to the development of ideas of the phenomenological school) / Y. Yankovskaya, S. Zavarikhin, Y. Kurbatov, Y. Pukharenko // E3S Web of Conferences. Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, TPACEE. – 2020. – P. 05024.
  12.  Yankovskaya Y., Datciuk T., Kondratieva L., Mangushev R. Structure, adaptability and security of an architectural object / Y. Yankovskaya, T. Datciuk, L. Kondratieva, R. Mangushev // E3S Web of Conferences. Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, TPACEE. – 2020. – P. 05007.
  13. Yankovskaya, Yu. S. Natural-climatic and environmental aspects in architectural and urban design and study of the living environment / Yu. S. Yankovskaya, EN Lebedeva, Yu. N. Lobanov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2020. - No. 5 (82). – P. 49–58.
  14. Yavein, O. I. Architecture as a search for the origins of spatiality (to the 100th anniversary of VKHUTEMAS) / O. I. Yavein, Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2020. - No. 3 (235). – P. 22–27.
  15. Merenkov, A. V. Arctic. Experience of experimental design in the context of "green architecture" / A. V. Merenkov, Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Architecton: news of universities. - 2021. - No. 1 (73). - P. 5.
  16. Yavein, O. I. Interdisciplinary concepts as a toolkit for architectural design / O. I. Yavein, Yu. S. Yankovskaya // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2021. - No. 1 (237). – P. 88–95.



  • Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (2012)
  • Silver Diploma of the International Festival "Zodchestvo-2002"
  • Annual diplomas of the Interregional Public Organization for the Promotion of Architectural Education (MOOSAO) and the Union of Architects of Russia in 2008–2020 as supervisor of student works

Additional information

Yulia Yankovskaya has supervised 45 winners of international contests.

Laureate of international contests.