Должность автора(ов) | Автор СПбГАСУ | Выходные данные | Название издательства, город, страна | Библиографическая база, в которой индексируется издание (Sc, Web of Science) | Квартиль | Электронный адрес размещения | |
Кафедра наземных транспортно-технологических машин | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Евтюков Сергей Аркадьевич | Petrov, A. I., Evtyukov, S. A., Kolesov, V. I., & Petrova, D. A. (2020). Comparative research of orderliness dinamics of road safety systems in the volga federal district and the russian federation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 786(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012084 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012084 | |
Evtukov, S., Golov, E. (2020) Adhesion of car tires to the road surface during reconstruction of road accidents, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03022.html | |||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S. (2020) Impact of static and dynamic loads of vehicles on pavement, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3025, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403025 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03025/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03025.html | |||
Belyaev, A., Gordienko, V., Druzhinin, P., Evtukov, S. (2020) Mathematical model for selecting the best technology for restoring road construction machines E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3044, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403044 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044.html | |||
Afanasyev, A. S., Evtyukov, S. A., & Chudakova, N. V. (2020). Experimental study of the factors affecting the parameters of emergency braking process for vehicles of category M1. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012092 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012092 | |||
Dobromirov, V., Meike, U., Evtiukov, S., & Bardyshev, O. (2020). Safety of transporting granular road construction materials in urban environment. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 86-95. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.011 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307560?via%3Dihub | |||
Dygalo, V., Keller, A., & Evtiukov, S. (2020). Monitoring of vehicles' active safety systems in operation. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 113-120. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.014 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307596?via%3Dihub | |||
Grushetsky, S., Brylev, I., Evtukov, S., & Pushkarev, A. (2020). Road accident prevention model involving two-wheeled vehicles. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 201-210. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.025 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307717?via%3Dihub | |||
Kerimov, M., Evtiukov, S., & Marusin, A. (2020). Model of multi-level system managing automated traffic enforcement facilities recording traffic violations. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 242-252. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.030 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307766?via%3Dihub | |||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., & Ginzburg, G. (2020). Systemic indicators of road infrastructure at accident clusters. Architecture and Engineering, 5(1), 51-58. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-51-58 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/278/158 | |||
Lobanova, Y., & Evtiukov, S. (2020). Role and methods of accident ability diagnosis in ensuring traffic safety. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 363-372. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.043 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307912?via%3Dihub | |||
Petrov, A., & Evtyukov, S. (2020). Analysis of possibilities for achieving targets of russian road safety strategy. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 518-527. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.061 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308097?via%3Dihub | |||
Evtyukov, S., Golov, E., Rajczyk, J. (2020) Improving the accuracy of stiffness coefficient calculation when estimating the kinetic energy spent on vehicle deformation, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 45-50, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-45-50 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/277/157 | |||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., Ginzburg, G. (2020) Systemic indicators of road infrastructure at accident clusters, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 51-58, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-51-58 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/278/158 | |||
Evtiukov, S. A., Evtiukov, S. S., & Kurakina, E. V. (2020). Smart transport in road transport infrastructure. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | |||
Kondratyuk, A. A., Evtyukov, S. A., & Vorobev, S. A. (2020). Improving special motor vehicle internal combustion engines to raise environmental safety. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012098 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012098 | |||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., & Rajczyk, J. (2020). Potential for improving the procedure of inspecting road traffic accident black spots. [Потенциал совершенствования механизма аудита мест концентрации дтп] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 56-62. doi: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-56-62 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
профессор | Добромиров Виктор Николаевич | Martynov, N. V., Dobromirov, V. N., & Avramov, D. V. (2020). Electro-hydraulic disintegration technology for diamond-bearing rocks. Obogashchenie Rud, 2020(1), 8-14. doi:10.17580/or.2020.01.02 | Ore & Metals Publishing House (Россия) | Sc | Q2 | http://www.rudmet.ru/journal/1896/article/32208/?language=en | |
Avramov, D. V., Martynov, N. V., & Dobromirov, V. N. (2020). Electrohydraulic technology of mineral disclosure. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012098 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012098 | |||
Dobromirov, V. N., Martynov, N. V., & Avramov, D. V. (2020). Electrohydraulic technology for processing triplex glass in the recycling of transport and technological machines. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012099 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012099 | |||
Dobromirov, V., Meike, U., Evtiukov, S., & Bardyshev, O. (2020). Safety of transporting granular road construction materials in urban environment. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 86-95. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.011 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307560?via%3Dihub | |||
Podoprigora, N., Stepina, P., Dobromirov, V., & Kotikov, J. (2020). Determination of driver's reaction time in expert studies of road traffic accidents using software and hardware complex. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 538-544. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.064 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308127?via%3Dihub | |||
Voitko, A., Dobromirov, V., Podoprigora, N., & Marusin, A. (2020). Improving safety of using ambulance vehicles in large cities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 716-726. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.084 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308358?via%3Dihub | |||
Martynov, N., Dobromirov, V., Avramov, D., & Miroshkin, V. (2020). Electrohydraulic pretreatment method for the purpose of complex enrichment of fine clay ores of weathering crust. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012056 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012056 | |||
Dobromirov, V., Lukashuk, E., & Meike, U. (2020). A method for the comparative assessment of the technical quality of dump trucks with different structures. [МЕТОДИКА СРАВНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ОЦЕНКИ ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО УРОВНЯ САМОСВАЛОВ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ КОМПОНОВОЧНЫХ СХЕМ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 49-55. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-49-55 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
профессор | Терентьев Алексей Вячеславович | Ivanov, I., Terentyev, A., & Evtukov, S. (2020). Digital platform and ecosystem for providing regional transport mobility. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.026 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307729?via%3Dihub | |
Taysayev, K., Terentyev, A., Evtukov, S., & Arifullin, I. (2020). Efficiency ratio assessment model for buses. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 674-680. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.079 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308309?via%3Dihub | |||
профессор | Воронцов Иван Иванович | Lozhkina, O., Lozhkin, V., Vorontsov, I., & Druzhinin, P. (2020). Evaluation of extreme traffic noise as hazardous living environment factor in saint petersburg. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 389-396. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.046 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307948?via%3Dihub | |
профессор | Пушкарев Александр Евгеньевич | Gorshkov, V., Maksimov, S., Pushkaryov, A. (2020) Developing the surface layer parameters of road-building and mining machines, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3043, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403043 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03043/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03043.html | |
Grushetsky, S., Brylev, I., Evtukov, S., & Pushkarev, A. (2020). Road accident prevention model involving two-wheeled vehicles. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 201-210. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.025 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307717?via%3Dihub | |||
Pushkareva, L., Pushkarev, M.b (2020) Innovative activity and some features of taxation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 10027, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016410027 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_10027/e3sconf_tpacee2020_10027.html | |||
Gorokhova, T., Pushkareva, L., Pushkarev, M. (2020) Modern problems of the product market of Russia, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 9034, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016409034 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_09034/e3sconf_tpacee2020_09034.html | |||
профессор-консультант | Кравченко Павел Александрович | Kotikov, J., & Kravchenko, P. (2020). Assessment of combined transportation energy efficiency based on bartini's LT-table entities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 302-309. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.036 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307821?via%3Dihub | |
Kravchenko, P., Zhankaziev, S., & Oleshchenko, E. (2020). Multi-faceted approach to solving issue of ensuring “zero mortality” on russian roads. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 310-320. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.037 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307833?via%3Dihub | |||
профессор | Репин Сергей Васильевич | Gordienko, V., Chernykh, A., Repin, S. (2020) Influence of recrystallization annealing regime on the formation of a fine-grained structure in structural steels, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408021 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08021/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08021.html | |
Repin, S., Bukirov, R., & Vasilieva, P. (2020). Study on effects of damping characteristics of base chassis suspension on operational safety of transport and handling machinery. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 574-581. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.069 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308206?via%3Dihub | |||
Repin, S., Zazykin, A., & Maksimov, S. (2020). Improving operational safety of transport and handling machinery based on automobile chassis by forming fleets of machinery with specific level of reliability. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 582-590. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.070 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308218?via%3Dihub | |||
Repin, S., Maximov, S., Zazykin, A., Voropaev, N. (2020) Development of strategy for ensuring operability of transport and technological machines, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3046, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403046 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03046/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03046.html | |||
Kobzov, D., Repin, S., Gubanov, V. (2020) Criterion of stability of hydraulic cylinder and method of increasing its reliability under longitudinal-transverse loads, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08022.html | |||
доцент | Беляев Александр Иванович | Belyaev, A., Gordienko, V., Druzhinin, P., Evtukov, S. (2020) Mathematical model for selecting the best technology for restoring road construction machines, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3044, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403044 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044.html | |
доцент | Брылев Илья Сергеевич | Grushetsky, S., Brylev, I., Evtukov, S. & Pushkarev, A. (2020). Road accident prevention model involving two-wheeled vehicles. Transportation Research Procedia, 50, pp. 201-210. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.025 | Elsevier B.V. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307717?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Зазыкин Андрей Вячеславович | Repin, S., Zazykin, A., & Maksimov, S. (2020). Improving operational safety of transport and handling machinery based on automobile chassis by forming fleets of machinery with specific level of reliability. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 582-590. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.070 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308218?via%3Dihub | |
Repin, S., Maximov, S. , Zazykin, A. , Voropaev, N. (2020) Development of strategy for ensuring operability of transport and technological machines, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3046, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403046 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03046/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03046.html | |||
доцент | Куракина Елена Владимировна | Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S. (2020) Impact of static and dynamic loads of vehicles on pavement, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3025, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403025 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03025/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03025.html | |
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., & Rajczyk, J. (2020). Potential for improving the procedure of inspecting road traffic accident black spots. [Потенциал совершенствования механизма аудита мест концентрации дтп] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 56-62. doi: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-56-62 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., & Ginzburg, G. (2020). Systemic indicators of road infrastructure at accident clusters. Architecture and Engineering, 5(1), 51-58. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-51-58 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/278/158 | |||
Evtiukov, S. A., Evtiukov, S. S., & Kurakina, E. V. (2020). Smart transport in road transport infrastructure. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | |||
Kurakina, E., Evtiukov, S., Ginzburg, G. (2020) Systemic indicators of road infrastructure at accident clusters, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 51-58, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-51-58 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/278/158 | |||
доцент | Подопригора Николай Владимирович | Skorokhodov, D., Seliverstov, Y., Seliverstov, S., Burov, I., Vydrina, E., Podoprigora, N., . . . Cheremisina, A. (2020). Using augmented reality technology to improve the quality of transport services. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1140 CCIS, pp. 339-348. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37436-5_30 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37436-5_30 | |
Podoprigora, N., Stepina, P., Dobromirov, V., & Kotikov, J. (2020). Determination of driver's reaction time in expert studies of road traffic accidents using software and hardware complex. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 538-544. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.064 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308127?via%3Dihub | |||
Voitko, A., Dobromirov, V., Podoprigora, N., & Marusin, A. (2020). Improving safety of using ambulance vehicles in large cities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 716-726. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.084 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308358?via%3Dihub | |||
Seliverstov, Y. A., Seliverstov, S. A., Podoprigora, N. V., Starichenkov, A. L., & Naryshkin, R. S. (2020). Using the model of a functional rationalizer of consumer behavior in recommendation systems for managing the transport activity of the urban population. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2020 23rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2020, 169-173. doi:10.1109/SCM50615.2020.9198786 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Kostikova, E. V., Fahmi, S. S., Hasan, Y. A. A., Seliverstov, S. A., Sobolev, A. V., & Podoprigora, N. V. (2020). The fast algorithm of spectral transformation of images in video surveillance systems. Marine Intellectual Technologies(2), 142-151. doi:10.37220/mit.2020.48.2.011 | RESEARCH CENTRE MARINE INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES | WoS | б/квартиля | http://morintex.ru/wp-content/files_mf/1593256663MITVOL48No2PART12020.pdf#page=143 | |||
доцент | Евтюков Станислав Сергеевич | Evtiukov, S. A., Evtiukov, S. S., & Kurakina, E. V. (2020). Smart transport in road transport infrastructure. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | |
Ivanov, I., Terentyev, A., & Evtukov, S. (2020). Digital platform and ecosystem for providing regional transport mobility. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.026 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307729?via%3Dihub | |||
Lozhkin, V., Gavkalyk, B., Lozhkina, O., Evtukov, S., & Ginzburg, G. (2020). Monitoring of extreme air pollution on ring roads with PM2.5 soot particles considering their chemical composition (case study of saint petersburg). Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 381-388. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.045 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307936?via%3Dihub | |||
Taysayev, K., Terentyev, A., Evtukov, S., & Arifullin, I. (2020). Efficiency ratio assessment model for buses. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 674-680. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.079 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308309?via%3Dihub | |||
Zaitsev, D. V., Evtyukov, S. S., Karelina, E. A., Voropaev, V. V., & Kholodova, A. O. (2020). Methodology for making management decisions in digital economy systems. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012073 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012094 | |||
доцент | Грушецкий Станислав Михайлович | Grushetsky, S., Brylev, I., Evtukov, S., & Pushkarev, A. (2020). Road accident prevention model involving two-wheeled vehicles. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 201-210. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.025 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307717?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Стёпина Полина Александровна | Determination of driver's reaction time in expert studies of road traffic accidents using software and hardware complex. Transportation Research Procedia, 50, pp. 538-544. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.064 | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308127?via%3Dihub | |
ассистент | Голов Егор Викторович | Evtukov, S., Golov, E. (2020) Adhesion of car tires to the road surface during reconstruction of road accidents, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03022.html | |
Evtyukov, S., Golov, E., Rajczyk, J. (2020) Improving the accuracy of stiffness coefficient calculation when estimating the kinetic energy spent on vehicle deformation, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 45-50, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-45-50 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/277/157 | |||
ассистент | Мейке Ульяна Николаевна | Dobromirov, V., Meike, U., Evtiukov, S., & Bardyshev, O. (2020). Safety of transporting granular road construction materials in urban environment. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 86-95. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.011 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307560?via%3Dihub | |
Dobromirov, V., Lukashuk, E., & Meike, U. (2020). A method for the comparative assessment of the technical quality of dump trucks with different structures. [МЕТОДИКА СРАВНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ОЦЕНКИ ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО УРОВНЯ САМОСВАЛОВ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ КОМПОНОВОЧНЫХ СХЕМ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 49-55. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-49-55 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра технической эксплуатации транспортных средств | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Черняев Игорь Олегович | Chernyaev, I., Oleshchenko, E., & Danilov, I. (2020). Methods for continuous monitoring of compliance of vehicles' technical condition with safety requirements during operation. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 77-85. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307559?via%3Dihub | |
Torosian, L., & Chernyaev, I. (2020). Method of creating control framework for environmental safety of car tires. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 689-697. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.081 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308322?via%3Dihub | |||
профессор | Блянкинштейн Игорь Михайлович | Blyankinshtein, I. M., & Makhova, E. G. (2020). Risk assessment in the activities of testing laboratories of mechanical engineering products. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1679(5) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052066 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1679/5/052066 | |
Kolesnikov, I. M., Malchikov, S. V., & Blyankinshtein, I. M. (2020). On some forms of registration and display of modes of operation of vehicles. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1679(4) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1679/4/042024 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1679/4/042024 | |||
профессор | Плотников Анатолий Михайлович | Plonikov, A., & Gurin, D. (2020). Approach to ensure set traffic safety level at signalized intersections. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 533-537. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.063 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308115?via%3Dihub | |
Plotnikov, A., & Asaul, M. (2020). New methods for traffic safety rating at at-grade intersections. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 528-532. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.062 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308103?via%3Dihub | |||
доцент | Торосян Леван Ервандович | Torosian, L., & Chernyaev, I. (2020). Method of creating control framework for environmental safety of car tires. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 689-697. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.081 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308322?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Боряев Александр Александрович | Boryaev, A. A. (2020). Development of advanced methods of determining the chemical stability of hydrocarbon fuels. Thermochimica Acta, 685 doi:10.1016/j.tca.2020.178508 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc&WoS | Q1 | https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0040603119305015 | |
Boryaev, A., Malygin, I., & Marusin, A. (2020). Areas of focus in ensuring the environmental safety of motor transport. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 68-76. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.009 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307547?via%3Dihub | |||
Boryaev, A. A., & Yuqing, Z. (2020). Ensuring efficiency and reliability of equipment with optimization of integrated tests. Heliyon, 6(4) doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03782 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc&WoS | Q1 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844020306277?via%3Dihub | |||
Boryaev, A.A. (2020) Brief Review of N2O Decomposition Catalysts for Engines, Huozhayao Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants, 43 (2), pp. 116-132, DOI: 10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.201811027 | China Ordnance Industry Corporation | Sc | Q2 | https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?doi=10.14077/j.issn.1007-7812.201811027 | |||
доцент | Марусин Алексей Вячеславович | Boryaev, A., Malygin, I., & Marusin, A. (2020). Areas of focus in ensuring the environmental safety of motor transport. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 68-76. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.009 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307547?via%3Dihub | |
Kerimov, M., Evtiukov, S., & Marusin, A. (2020). Model of multi-level system managing automated traffic enforcement facilities recording traffic violations. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 242-252. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.030 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307766?via%3Dihub | |||
Kerimov, M., Marusin, A., Marusin, A., & Danilov, I. (2020). Methodological aspects of building mathematical model to evaluate efficiency of automated vehicle traffic control systems. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 253-261. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.031 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307778?via%3Dihub | |||
Marusin, A. V., Danilov, I. K., Khlopkov, S. V., Marusin, A. V., & Uspenskiy, I. A. (2020). Development of a mathematical model of fuel equipment and the rationale for diagnosing diesel engines by moving the injector needle. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 422(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/422/1/012126 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/422/1/012126 | |||
Safiullin, R., Fedotov, V. & Marusin, A. (2020). Method to evaluate performance of measurement equipment in automated vehicle traffic control systems. Transportation Research Procedia, 50, pp. 20-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.003 | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307481?via%3Dihub | |||
доцент | Воробьев Сергей Александрович | Kapustin, A., Vorobiev, S., Gordienko, V., & Marusin, A. (2020). Method for improving the safety of diesel vehicles when operating on gas engine fuel (gas diesel engines). Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 226-233. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.028 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307742?via%3Dihub | |
Kondratyuk, A. A., Evtyukov, S. A., & Vorobev, S. A. (2020). Improving special motor vehicle internal combustion engines to raise environmental safety. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012098 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012098 | |||
Кафедра транспортных систем | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Солодкий Александр Иванович | Solodkiy, A. I., & Chernikh, N. V. (2020). Improving the level of traffic service on the road network of cities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 786(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012044 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012044 | |
Gorev, A., Popova, O., & Solodkij, A. (2020). Demand-responsive transit systems in areas with low transport demand of “smart city”. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 160-166. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.020 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307651?via%3Dihub | |||
Zedgenizov, A. V., Solodkiy, A. I., & Efremenko, I. (2020). Assessment of suburbanized areas transport demand: Case study of the irkutsk agglomeration. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 880(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012075 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012075 | |||
Zedgenizov, A. V., Solodkiy, A. I., & Seliangin, K. V. (2020). Mathematical model of assessing urban planning decisions based on capital construction facilities location under the city plan. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 880(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012072 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012072 | |||
профессор | Горев Андрей Эдливич | Gorev, A., Popova, O., & Solodkij, A. (2020). Demand-responsive transit systems in areas with low transport demand of “smart city”. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 160-166. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.020 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307651?via%3Dihub | |
профессор | Котиков Юрий Георгиевич | Kotikov, J., & Kravchenko, P. (2020). Assessment of combined transportation energy efficiency based on bartini's LT-table entities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 302-309. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.036 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307821?via%3Dihub | |
Podoprigora, N., Stepina, P., Dobromirov, V., & Kotikov, J. (2020). Determination of driver's reaction time in expert studies of road traffic accidents using software and hardware complex. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 538-544. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.064 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308127?via%3Dihub | |||
Kotikov, J. (2020). Surface transportation engineering technology: Quantum quarrying lift-and-transport machinery (QQLTM). Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 46-56. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-46-56 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
доцент | Олещенко Елена Михайловна | Chernyaev, I., Oleshchenko, E., & Danilov, I. (2020). Methods for continuous monitoring of compliance of vehicles' technical condition with safety requirements during operation. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 77-85. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307559?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | МЕДРЕС Екатерина Евгеньевна | Gumenjuk, V. I., Dobroborskiy, B. S., & Medres, E. E. (2020). Improving occupational safety when working in an uncomfortable pose with small-scale mechanization tools. Bezopasnost' Truda v Promyshlennosti, 2020(2), 45-50. doi:10.24000/0409-2961-2020-2-45-50 | STC Industrial Safety CJSC | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.btpnadzor.ru/archive/povyshenie-bezopasnosti-truda-pri-rabotakh-v-neudobnoy-poze-so-sredstvami-maloy-mekhanizatsii | |
доцент | Попова Ольга Валентиновна | Gorev, A., Popova, O., & Solodkij, A. (2020). Demand-responsive transit systems in areas with low transport demand of “smart city”. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 160-166. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.020 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307651?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Никоноров Алексей Николаевич | Nikonorov, V. M., & Nikonorov, V. V. (2020). One of the approaches to the concrete strength mathematical model. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 945(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/945/1/012014 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/945/1/012014 | |
старший преподаватель | Атаев Петр Геннадьевич | Smirnova, E., & Ataev, A. (2020). Ensuring environmental safety at garabogaz transport and industrial complex by identifying environmental risks. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012142, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012142 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
ассистент | Черных Наталья Владимировна | Solodkiy, A. I., & Chernikh, N. V. (2020). Improving the level of traffic service on the road network of cities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 786(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012044 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012044 | |
Кафедра техносферной безопасности | |||||||
доцент | Панов Сергей Николаевич | Panov, S., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Regulatory support of occupational safety in the construction industry and transport. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012250, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012250 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
доцент | Смирнова Елена Эдуардовна | Smirnova, E. (2020) Analysis of long-span bridge fluctuations for finding its optimal safe operation, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, 6038, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015706038 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_06038/e3sconf_ktti2020_06038.html | |
Smirnova, E., Larionov, A. (2020) Justification of environmental safety criteria in the context of sustainable development of the construction sector, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, 6011, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015706011 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_06011/e3sconf_ktti2020_06011.html | |||
Smirnova, E., Larionova, Y., Larionov, A. (2020) Sewer system optimization in housing and communal services, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, 2002, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015702002 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_02002/e3sconf_ktti2020_02002.html | |||
Smirnova, E. (2020) Problems of ecology and ensuring environmental safety in relation to toxic Krasny Bor dump site, E3S Web of Conferences, 175, 14015, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017514015 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/35/e3sconf_interagromash2020_14015/e3sconf_interagromash2020_14015.html | |||
Smirnova, E., & Larionov, A. (2020). Problem of environmental safety during construction (analysis of construction impact on environment). Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, 164, 07006, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016407006 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_07006/e3sconf_tpacee2020_07006.html | |||
Larionov, A., Smirnova, E., & Larionova, Y. (2020). Building energy modeling as a mandatory requirement of cooperative housing projects. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012030 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012030 | |||
Larionova, Y., & Smirnova, E. (2020). Substantiation of ecological safety criteria in construction industry, and housing and communal services. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 543(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/543/1/012002 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/543/1/012002 | |||
Smirnova, E. (2020). Current issues of energy efficiency in water consumption and discharge, and environmental safety in st petersburg. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012031 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012031 | |||
Smirnova, E. (2020). The use of the monte carlo method for predicting environmental risk in construction zones. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012083 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012083 | |||
Smirnova, E., & Ataev, A. (2020). Ensuring environmental safety at garabogaz transport and industrial complex by identifying environmental risks. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012142, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012142 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра физического воспитания | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Караван Александр Васильевич | Karavan, A. V., & Kadyrov, R. M. (2020). Building students’ physical fitness rating design skills. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(12), 32-34. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
профессор | Кадыров Равель Мингараевич | Karavan, A. V., & Kadyrov, R. M. (2020). Building students’ physical fitness rating design skills. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(12), 32-34. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
профессор | Дементьев Константин Николаевич | Safonova, O. A., Dementyev, K. N., & Germanova, A. A. (2020). Building strength endurance in female civil engineering students. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(12), 35-37. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
доцент | Шаронова Александра Владимировна | Yarchikovskaya, L. V., Sharonova, A. V., Ustinova, O. N., & Krivoshchekov, V. G. (2020). Physical education to manage female students’ pre-examination state. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(6), 29-31. | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Sc | Q3 | - | |
доцент | Миронова Ольга Вячеславовна | Mironova, O. V., Grigoryev, V. I., Ivashchenko, V. P., & Khalilova, L. I. (2020). Precompetitive training of qualified kayakists using high-intensity physical exercises. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(9), 15-17. Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Sc | Q3 | ||
старший преподаватель | Сергеева Анна Геннадьевна | Getman, V. D., Sergeeva, A. G., & Rodionov, A. V. (2020). Physical self-education phenomenon in vocational training of students. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(12), 30-31. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
старший преподаватель | Сафонова Оксана Александровна | Safonova, O. A., Dementyev, K. N., & Germanova, A. A. (2020). Building strength endurance in female civil engineering students. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2020(12), 35-37. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
Кафедра архитектурного и градостроительного наследия | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Семенцов Сергей Владимирович | Sementsov, S. V., & Akulova, N. A. (2020). BIRTH OF SAINT PETERSBURG AGGLOMERATION UNDER THE RULE OF PETER THE GREAT IN 1703-1724. Revista Genero & Direito, 9(4), 729-752. | UNIV FEDERAL PARAIBA | WoS | б/квартиля | - | |
Sementsov, S.V., Kozyreva, E.A., Shuvaeva, E.Yu. (2020) Estates of the highest nobility of the St. Petersburg province as a special spatial structure of the historical St. Petersburg agglomeration, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12073, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012073 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012073 | |||
Akulova, N., Sementsov, S. (2020) Urban planning and landscape framework of church architecture of the Tsarskoye Selo district of St. Petersburg Province, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4027, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404027 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04027/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04027.html | |||
Sementsov, S. (2020) Spatial development of Orthodox temple construction in Petrograd and its environs by 1917, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4023, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404023 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04023/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04023.html | |||
Sementsov, S., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Features of the formation of the St. Petersburg agglomeration by the beginning of the XX century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009.html | |||
Sementsov, S., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Patterns of origin, formation and spatial movement of the center of Saint-Petersburg in the 1703-1730s, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4028, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404028 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04028/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04028.html | |||
профессор | Возняк Екатерина Рюриковна | Vozniak, E., Golovina, S., Kolesova, M. (2020) First building engineers in architectural practice of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5011, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405011 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05011/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05011.html | |
Venslauskene, E., Vozniak, E., Zavarikhin, S. (2020) Street lighting St. Petersburg from 1703 to 1917, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5017, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405017 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05017/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05017.html | |||
Bredikhina, A., Vozniak, E. (2020), Historical merchant courts and their renovation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5020, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405020 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05020/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05020.html | |||
Vozniak, E., Kurbatov, Y., Lisovsky, V. (2020) Classical order theory in the modern architectural educational process, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5010, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405010 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05010/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05010.html | |||
доцент | Акулова Надежда Александровна | Akulova, N., Sementsov, S. (2020) Urban planning and landscape framework of church architecture of the Tsarskoye Selo district of St. Petersburg Province, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4027, . DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404027 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04027/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04027.html | |
Sementsov, S. V., & Akulova, N. A. (2020). BIRTH OF SAINT PETERSBURG AGGLOMERATION UNDER THE RULE OF PETER THE GREAT IN 1703-1724. Revista Genero & Direito, 9(4), 729-752. | UNIV FEDERAL PARAIBA | WoS | б/квартиля | - | |||
Кафедра архитектурного проектирования | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Перов Федор Викторович | Perov, F.V., Zavarikhin, S.P., Kurbatov, Y.I. (2020) Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the Vyborgskaya Side in Saint Petersburg), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12053, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |
Perov, F., Lavrov, L., Eremeeva, A. (2020) Architecture of modern coastal development. Saint Petersburg realias and experience of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hamburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022.html | |||
Kokorina, O., Perov, F., Mangushev, R. (2020) Principles of the formation of tourism and recreation complexes (example of Rozhdestveno, Leningrad Oblast, Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04018/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04018.html | |||
Perov, F. V., Zavarikhin, S. P., & Kurbatov, Y. I. (2020). Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the vyborgskaya side in saint petersburg). Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 775(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |||
профессор-консультант | Курбатов Юрий Иванович | Sementsov, S., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Features of the formation of the St. Petersburg agglomeration by the beginning of the XX century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009.html | |
Yankovskaya, Y., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Theory of architectural morphogenesis (to the development of ideas of the phenomenological school), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024.html | |||
Perov, F. V., Zavarikhin, S. P., & Kurbatov, Y. I. (2020). Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the vyborgskaya side in saint petersburg). Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 775(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |||
профессор-консультант | Лавров Леонид Павлович | Perov, F., Lavrov, L., Eremeeva, A. (2020) Architecture of modern coastal development. Saint Petersburg realias and experience of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hamburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022.html | |
Lavrov, L., Surovenkov, A. (2020) Problem of the pedestrian route system in the center of Saint-Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4025, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404025 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04025/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04025.html | |||
Lavrov, L., Molotkova, E., & Surovenkov, A. (2020). On evaluating the condition of the saint petersburg historic center. [Об оценке состояния городской среды исторического центра санкт-петербурга] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 29-42. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-29-42 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
профессор-консультант | Курбатов Юрий Иванович | Perov, F.V., Zavarikhin, S.P., Kurbatov, Y.I. (2020) Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the Vyborgskaya Side in Saint Petersburg), (2020) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12053, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |
доцент | Белоусова Ольга Алексеевна | Belousova, O. (2020) Modern use of historical architectural objects of Botanical gardening (foreign experience), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05018/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05018.html | |
доцент | Иванов Игорь Анатольевич | Ivanov, I., Terentyev, A., & Evtukov, S. (2020). Digital platform and ecosystem for providing regional transport mobility. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.026 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307729?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Ивина Мария Сергеевна | Kondratieva, L., Ivina, M., Mangushev, R. (2020) Optimizing the system of placing Orthodox parish church complexes in modern urban environment of Saint Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4031, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404031 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031.html | |
Ivina, M., & Kondratieva, L. (2020). Trends in development of architectural and planning solutions for parish church complexes. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701002 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01002/e3sconf_ersme2020_01002.html | |||
доцент | Кокорина Ольга Геннадьевна | Kokorina, O., Zinenkov, D., Datsuk, T. (2020) New public spaces as the basic nodes for development of new city areas (case study of Kronstadt, Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4026, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404026 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04026/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04026.html | |
Kokorina, O., Perov, F., Mangushev, R. (2020) Principles of the formation of tourism and recreation complexes (example of Rozhdestveno, Leningrad Oblast, Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04018/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04018.html | |||
доцент | Аксенова Зоя Леонидовна | Aksenova, Z., & Belousova, O. (2020). Classical trends in the architecture of botanical objects in scandinavia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(4), 426-432. doi:10.13189/cea.2020.080404 | Horizon Research Publishing | Sc | Q3 | http://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=9501 | |
доцент | Белоусова Ольга Алексеевна | Belousova, O. (2020) Modern use of historical architectural objects of Botanical gardening (foreign experience), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Aksenova, Z., & Belousova, O. (2020). Classical trends in the architecture of botanical objects in scandinavia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(4), 426-432. doi:10.13189/cea.2020.080404 | Horizon Research Publishing | Sc | Q3 | http://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=9501 | |||
доцент | Федоров Олег Павлович | Fedorov, O., Lobanov, Y. (2020) Conformity of pre-design studies on Lakhta-Center influence on the Saint Petersburg historical panorama and scenery spots, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5013, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405013 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05013/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05013.html | |
Кафедра градостроительства | |||||||
профессор | Вайтенс Андрей Георгиевич | Vaytens, A.G., Yankovskaya, Y.S. (2020) Directions of transformation and development of border towns of the Leningrad region in modern conditions (through the examples of Ivangorod and Svetogorsk), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12059, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012059 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012059 | |
Perkova, M.V., Baklazhenko, E.V., Vaytens, A.G. (2020) A Method for Identifying and Resolving Conflicts in Urban Riverside, Development, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 459 (5), 52024, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/459/5/052024 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/459/5/052024 | |||
Vaitens, A., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) The general plan of St. Petersburg 2005 - 2025: Prerequisites, ideas, implementation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5008, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405008 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05008/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05008.html | |||
Vaitens, A., Pastukh, O., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) Provisions of urban reconstruction in general plan of Leningrad development in 1966: Ideas and results, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024.html | |||
профессор | Митягин Сергей Дмитриевич | Vaitens, A., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) The general plan of St. Petersburg 2005 - 2025: Prerequisites, ideas, implementation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5008, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405008 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05008/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05008.html | |
Vaitens, A., Pastukh, O., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) Provisions of urban reconstruction in general plan of Leningrad development in 1966: Ideas and results, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024.html | |||
профессор | Вайтенс Андрей Георгиевич | Roshchupkina, O. E., Perkova, M. V., Baklazenko, E. V., & Vaytens, A. G. (2020). The development of protected natural areas and adjacent territories. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 944(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012028 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012028 | |
заведующий кафедрой | Янковская Юлия Сергеевна | Vaytens, A.G., Yankovskaya, Y.S. (2020) Directions of transformation and development of border towns of the Leningrad region in modern conditions (through the examples of Ivangorod and Svetogorsk), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12059, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012059 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012059 | |
Yankovskaya, Y., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Theory of architectural morphogenesis (to the development of ideas of the phenomenological school), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024.html | |||
Yankovskaya, Y., Datciuk, T., Kondratieva, L., Mangushev, R. (2020) Structure, adaptability and security of an architectural object, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5007, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405007 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007.html | |||
доцент | Виленский Михаил Юрьевич | Vilenskii, M., & Smirnova, O. (2020). Methodology for evaluating the websites of the authorities responsible for urban planning in smart city. Urbanism.Architecture.Constructions, 11(1), 5-16. Retrieved from www.Sc.com | NIRD URBAN-INCERC | Sc | Q3 | - | |
Vilenskii, M., & Smirnova, O. (2020). Evaluation of web technologies in urban planning management in the largest cities of russia. GeoJournal, doi:10.1007/s10708-020-10316-y | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Sc&WoS | Q2 | ||||
доцент | Шестеров Евгений Александрович | Mikhailov, A., & Shesterov, E. (2020). Estimation of traffic flow parameters of U-turns. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 458-465. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.054 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308024?via%3Dihub | |
Shesterov, E., & Mikhailov, A. (2020). Method of evaluating transit hubs in saint petersburg. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 654-661. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.077 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308280?via%3Dihub | |||
доцент | Левошко Светлана Сергеевна | Levoshko, S. (2020). The “Baltic text” in the creative heritage of russian architects in the eastern baltic of the 1920s - 1930s. [«Балтийский текст» в творческом наследии российских архитекторов в восточной Балтии 1920-х -1930-х гг] Istoriya, 11(2) doi:10.18254/S207987840008931-3 | Ltd "Integration: Education and Science" | Sc&WoS | б/квартиля | https://history.jes.su/s207987840008931-3-1/ | |
Кафедра дизайна архитектурной среды | |||||||
доцент | Еремеева Александра Федоровна | Eremeeva, A.F., Rebrova, E.M., Lobanov, Y.N., Rusanov, G.E. (2020) Formation of innovative public spaces in railway areas, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12014, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012014 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012014 | |
Perov, F., Lavrov, L., Eremeeva, A. (2020) Architecture of modern coastal development. Saint Petersburg realias and experience of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hamburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05022.html | |||
доцент | Суровенков Андрей Викторович | Lavrov, L., Surovenkov, A. (2020) Problem of the pedestrian route system in the center of Saint-Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4025, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404025 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04025/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04025.html | |
Lavrov, L., Molotkova, E., & Surovenkov, A. (2020). On evaluating the condition of the saint petersburg historic center. [Об оценке состояния городской среды исторического центра санкт-петербурга] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 29-42. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-29-42 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра истории и теории архитектуры | |||||||
профессор-консультант | Заварихин Светозар Павлович | Perov, F. V., Zavarikhin, S. P., & Kurbatov, Y. I. (2020). Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the vyborgskaya side in saint petersburg). Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 775(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |
Perov, F.V., Zavarikhin, S.P., Kurbatov, Y.I. (2020) Principles of forming a polycentric system in a metropolis based on the reorganization of historical industrial areas (a case study of the Vyborgskaya Side in Saint Petersburg), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12053, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012053 | |||
Sementsov, S., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Features of the formation of the St. Petersburg agglomeration by the beginning of the XX century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009.html | |||
Yankovskaya, Y., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Theory of architectural morphogenesis (to the development of ideas of the phenomenological school), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024.html | |||
Venslauskene, E., Vozniak, E., Zavarikhin, S. (2020) Street lighting St. Petersburg from 1703 to 1917, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5017, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405017 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05017/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05017.html | |||
доцент | Золотарева Милена Владимировна | Zolotareva, M. (2020) Space-planning development of high-rise dominating structures in the historical center (case study of St. Petersburg), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4002, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404002 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04002/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04002.html | |
Zolotareva, M. (2020). Typology of passenger railway stations in the late 19th – early 20th centuries (russian experience), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 345-353. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_34 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_34 | |||
Zolotareva, M.V. (2020) Activities of city public administration in regulation of economy, construction and urban land improvement (Russian experience) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12082, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012082 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012082 | |||
Zolotareva, M. V. (2020). Urban transport network as the main factor of urban development (the example of st. petersburg). Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,012245, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012245 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
доцент | Гранстрем Мария Александровна | Granstrem, M. A. (2020). Areas of sustainable development in island districts of saint petersburg. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 775(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012087 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012087 | |
Кафедра начертательной геометрии и инженерной графики | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Шувалова Светлана Семеновна | Kalyashov, V., Iliin, A., Shuvalova, S., Leonova, O., & Shvetsova, V. (2020). Directions for improving the efficiency of forest clear cutting on the territories of reservoirs and waterworks under construction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 574(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 | |
Grigorev, I., Kunickaya, O., Burgonutdinov, A., Ivanov, V., Shuvalova, S., Shvetsova, V. ... Tikhonov, E. (2020). Theoretical studies of dynamic soil compaction by wheeled forestry machines. Diagnostyka, 3-13. https://doi.org/10.29354/diag/127650 | Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics | Scopus | Q3 | doi.org/10.29354/diag/127650 | |||
доцент | Каляшов Виталий Анатольевич | Shifrin, B. M., Eliseev, I. V., Sokolova, V. A., & Kalyashov, V. A. (2020). Development of a model of the single information space of the enterprise supporting the replacement of layers. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 786(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012077 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/786/1/012077 | |
Kalyashov, V., Smirnova, A., Tjurin, N., Gromskaya, L., Antonova, T. (2020) Problems of technological processes selection in logging, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 817 (1), 12014, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/817/1/012014 | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/817/1/012014 | |||
Ilyushenko, D. A., Markov, V. A., Sokolova, V. A., & Kalyashov, V. A. (2020). Improving the use of wood waste. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 193 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019302008 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/53/e3sconf_icmtmte2020_02008/e3sconf_icmtmte2020_02008.html | |||
Kalyashov, V., Iliin, A., Shuvalova, S., Leonova, O., & Shvetsova, V. (2020). Directions for improving the efficiency of forest clear cutting on the territories of reservoirs and waterworks under construction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 574(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 | |||
Grigorev, I. V., Leonova, O. N., Kalyashov, V. A., & Shvetsova, V. V. (2020). Creation and experimental verification of a mathematical model of industrial debarking. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1478(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | |||
доцент | Леонова Ольга Николаевна | Anisina, N. V., & Leonova, O. N. (2020). Speech impact of the educational and scientific text of engineering and humanities profiles doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47415-7_75 | Springer | Sc | Q4 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-47415-7_75 | |
Grigorev, I. V., Leonova, O. N., Kalyashov, V. A., & Shvetsova, V. V. (2020). Creation and experimental verification of a mathematical model of industrial debarking. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1478(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | |||
доцент | Швецова Виктория Викторовна | Grigorev, I., Kunickaya, O., Burgonutdinov, A., Ivanov, V., Shuvalova, S., Shvetsova, V. ... Tikhonov, E. (2020). Theoretical studies of dynamic soil compaction by wheeled forestry machines. Diagnostyka, 3-13. https://doi.org/10.29354/diag/127650 | Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics | Scopus | Q3 | doi.org/10.29354/diag/127650 | |
Grigorev, I. V., Leonova, O. N., Kalyashov, V. A., & Shvetsova, V. V. (2020). Creation and experimental verification of a mathematical model of industrial debarking. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1478(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1478/1/012021 | |||
Grigorev, I., Kunickaya, O., Prosuzhih, A., Kruchinin, I., Shakirzyanov, D., Shvetsova, V., Markov, O. & Egipko, S. (2020). Efficiency improvement of forest machinery exploitation. Diagnostyka, 21 (2), pp. 95-109. DOI: 10.29354/diag/122797 | Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics | Scopus | Q3 | http://www.diagnostyka.net.pl/Efficiency-improvement-of-forest-machinery-exploitation,122797,0,2.html | |||
доцент | Леонова Ольга Николаевна | Kalyashov, V., Iliin, A., Shuvalova, S., Leonova, O., & Shvetsova, V. (2020). Directions for improving the efficiency of forest clear cutting on the territories of reservoirs and waterworks under construction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 574(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 | |
доцент | Швецова Виктория Викторовна | Kalyashov, V., Iliin, A., Shuvalova, S., Leonova, O., & Shvetsova, V. (2020). Directions for improving the efficiency of forest clear cutting on the territories of reservoirs and waterworks under construction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 574(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/574/1/012035 | |
старший преподаватель | Разумнова Елена Альбертовна | Tsareva, O., Olekhnovich, Y., & Razumnova, E. (2020). Method of evaluation of historical objects of transport infrastructure deformations, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 387-404. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_38 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_38 | |
старший преподаватель | МЕЛЬНИКОВА Ольга Васильевна | Melnikova, O. (2020). Comfortable environment: The formation of students-architects’ professional consciousness in the paradigm of sustainable development, World Sustainability Series pp. 1009-1020, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-26759-9_59 | Springer | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-26759-9_59 | |
Melnikova, O. (2020). Modern city in the perception of Students–Architects, World Sustainability Series pp. 757-764, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-26759-9_44 | Springer | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-26759-9_44 | |||
Кафедра рисунка | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Молоткова Елена Геннадьевна | Molotkova, E. (2020) Environmental approach to the formation of public spaces of the capital city on the spit of Vasilevskiy Island, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404021 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s- conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04021/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04021.html | |
Molotkova, E. G. (2020). Building of alleviated territories of vasilievsky island. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032087 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032087 | |||
Molotkova, E. G. (2020). Territory development in the neva delta (1703-1844) - st. petersburg model of urbanization. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032065 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032065 | |||
Lavrov, L., Molotkova, E., & Surovenkov, A. (2020). On evaluating the condition of the saint petersburg historic center. [Об оценке состояния городской среды исторического центра санкт-петербурга] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 29-42. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-29-42 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
профессор | Русанов Геннадий Ефремович | Eremeeva, A.F., Rebrova, E.M., Lobanov, Y.N., Rusanov, G.E. (2020) Formation of innovative public spaces in railway areas, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12014, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012014 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012014 | |
Кафедра водопользования и экологии | |||||||
профессор-консультант | Алексеев Михаил Иванович | Alexeev, M. I., Baranov, L. A., & Ermolin, Y. A. (2020). Risk-based approach to evaluate the reliability of a city sewer network. Water and Ecology, 25(3), 3-7. doi:10.23968/2305-3488.2020.25.3.3-7 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | Q3 | ||
профессор-консультант | Феофанов Юрий Александрович | Feofanov, J. A. (2020). Biological treatment of waste paper recycling plant wastewater. Water and Ecology, 25(3), 14-21. doi:10.23968/2305-3488.2020.25.3.14-21 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | Q3 | ||
профессор | Цветкова Людмила Ивановна | Tsvetkova, L. (2020). Saint petersburg flood protection dam as tool to solve the environmental tasks, Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 202-207. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.202 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.202 | |
доцент | Столбихин Юрий Вячеславович | Stolbikhin, I., & Semenov, A. (2020). Simulation studies of numerical relationship of sewage energy dissipation chamber efficiency. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012017 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012017 | |
ассистент | КОРНЕЕВА Елена Александровна | Korneeva, E., Babanina, A., & Lukinov, V. (2020). Porosity and strength of limestone treated with stone-strengthening composition, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 142-153. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_14 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_14 | |
Sultanov, S., Pestryakov, I., Korneeva, E., Monastyreva, D. (2020) The Use of Mineral Wool Insulation and Polyisocyanurate Foam in Terms of Water Absorption, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 70, pp. 517-527, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42351-3_45 | Springer | Sc | б/квартиля | - | |||
Кафедра геодезии, землеустройства и кадастров | |||||||
профессор | Волков Виктор Иванович | Vaitens, A., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) The general plan of St. Petersburg 2005 - 2025: Prerequisites, ideas, implementation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5008, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405008 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05008/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
Vaitens, A., Pastukh, O., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) Provisions of urban reconstruction in general plan of Leningrad development in 1966: Ideas and results, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024.html | |||
старший преподаватель | Волкова Яна | Bykowa, E. N., Volkova, J. A., Sulin, M. A., Morozov, A. V., & Shemelina, K. E. (2020). Method of market data extrapolation in time for mass appraisal of land under conditions of weak developed market. Geodezia i Kartografia, 965(11), 40-49. doi:10.22389/0016-7126-2020-965-11-40-49 | Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI, FSBI | Scopus | Q4 | https://geocartography.ru/en/scientific_article/2020_11_40-49 | |
Кафедра строительной физики и химии | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Дацюк Тамара Александровна | Yankovskaya, Y., Datciuk, T., Kondratieva, L., Mangushev, R. (2020) Structure, adaptability and security of an architectural object E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5007, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405007 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
Vabishchevich, D., Ivanov, I., Datsuk (2020) T. Principles for organizing the architectural environment of arctic cities using the example of Vorkuta (Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4030, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404030 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04030/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04030.html | |||
Kokorina, O., Zinenkov, D., Datsuk, T. (2020) New public spaces as the basic nodes for development of new city areas (case study of Kronstadt, Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4026, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404026 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04026/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
старший преподаватель | Поляков Максим Сергеевич | Polyakov, M. , Ivanova, V., Klyamer, D., Köksoy, B., Şenocak, A., Demirbaş, E., Durmuş, M., Basova, T. (2020) A Hybrid Nanomaterial Based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Cross-Linked via Axially Substituted Silicon (IV) Phthalocyanine for Chemiresistive Sensors, Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25 (9),DOI: 10.3390/molecules25092073 | NLM (Medline) | Sc&WoS | Q1 | https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/25/9/2073 | |
Basova, T. V., & Polyakov, M. S. (2020). Hybrid materials based on carbon nanotubes and polyaromatic molecules: Methods of functionalization and sensor properties. Macroheterocycles, 13(2), 91-112. doi:10.6060/mhc200710b | Editorial Office | Sc&WoS | Q4 | https://macroheterocycles.isuct.ru/en/mhc171151l | |||
доцент | Павлов Александр Иванович | Pavlov, A., Khegay, A., & Khegay, T. (2020). Analysis of bending steel fiber reinforced concrete elements with a stress-strain model. [РАСЧЕТ ИЗГИБАЕМЫХ СТАЛЕФИБРОЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ С УЧЕТОМ ДЕФОРМАЦИОННОЙ МОДЕЛИ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 14-21. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-14-21 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Кафедра теплогазоснабжения и вентиляции | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Пономарев Николай Степанович | Ulyasheva, V. M., Ponomarev, N. S., Sukhanova, I. I., & Martianova, A. Y. (2020). Energy-saving technologies in the operation of oil fields. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 539(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 | |
доцент | Пухкал Виктор Алексеевич | Pukhkal, V. (2020). The use of in-floor convectors in rooms with a large glazing area. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012018 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012018 | |
Zhilkina, T., Pukhkal, V., & Pankov, V. (2020). Influence of the scheme of air exchange organization in the room on the efficiency of the air-jet hood of the heat treatment chamber. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 224 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202022403026 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/84/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_03026/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_03026.html | |||
Pukhkal, V. (2020). Virtual thermal tests of heating devices. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012073 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012073 | |||
Pukhkal, V., Pankov, V., & Spitsov, D. (2020). Air-jet cover for heat treatment chamber. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012075 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012075 | |||
профессор | Уляшева Вера Михайловна | Ulyasheva, V., Kryshkin, N. (2020) Numerical modeling of air treatment processes in contact apparatuses, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2019, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402019 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02019/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
Ulyasheva, V. M., Ponomarev, N. S., Sukhanova, I. I., & Martianova, A. Y. (2020). Energy-saving technologies in the operation of oil fields. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 539(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 | |||
профессор-консультант | Шкаровский Александр Леонидович | Janta-Lipińska, S., & Shkarovskiy, A. (2020). Investigations of nitric oxides reduction in industrial-heating boilers with the use of the steam injection method. Archives of Environmental Protection, 46(2), 100-107. doi:10.24425/aep.2020.133480 | Polish Academy of Sciences | Sc&WoS | Q2 | http://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/133480/edition/116627/content | |
Kotuła, M., Szkarowski, A., & Chernykh, A. (2020). Analysis of the problem of natural gas waterlogging. [Analiza problemu zawodnienia gazu ziemnego] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(2), 704-715. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Sc&WoS | Q3 | - | |||
Szkarowski, A., Jaworski, Ł., & Mamedov, S. (2020). Utilization of process wastewater heat. [Utylizacja ciepła ścieków poprodukcyjnych] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(2), 1074-1083. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Sc&WoS | Q3 | - | |||
Janta-Lipinska, S., & Shkarovskiy, A. (2020a). Investigations of Advantages of Simultaneous Combustion of Natural Gas and Mazout in Medium Power Steam Boilers. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 29(2), 331-337. doi:10.1134/s1810232820020149 | Pleiades Publishing | WoS | Q2 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS1810232820020149 | |||
доцент | Бирюзова Елена Александровна | Biryuzova, E. A. (2020). Investigation of methods for increasing of energy efficiency of hot water boilers of small and average capacity at the expense of reduction of heat losses with exit gases. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022006 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022006 | |
Biryuzova, E. A., & Glukhanov, A. S. (2020). Improving energy efficiency and reliability of heating networks through the use of multilayer thermal insulation structures. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032002 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032002 | |||
доцент | Мартьянова Анна Юрьевна | Ulyasheva, V. M., Ponomarev, N. S., Sukhanova, I. I., & Martianova, A. Y. (2020). Energy-saving technologies in the operation of oil fields. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 539(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 | |
доцент | СУХАНОВА Инна Ивановна | Sukhanova, I., Sukhanov, K. (2020) Numerical simulation of a stable microclimate in a historic building, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 982, с. 84-90, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_9 | Springer Science + Business Media (Германия) | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_9 | |
Ulyasheva, V. M., Ponomarev, N. S., Sukhanova, I. I., & Martianova, A. Y. (2020). Energy-saving technologies in the operation of oil fields. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 539(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/539/1/012154 | |||
ассистент | СУХАНОВ Кирилл Олегович | Sukhanova, I., Sukhanov, K. (2020) Numerical simulation of a stable microclimate in a historic building, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 982, с. 84-90, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_9 | Springer Science + Business Media (Германия) | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_9 | |
кафедра электроэнергетики и электротехники | |||||||
профессор | Сафиуллин Равилл Нуруллович | Safiullin, R., Fedotov, V., & Marusin, A. (2020). Method to evaluate performance of measurement equipment in automated vehicle traffic control systems. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 20-27. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.003 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307481?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Томчина Ольга Петровна | Tomchina, O. P. (2020). Control of oscillations in two-rotor cyberphysical vibration units with time-varying observer. Cybernetics and Physics, 9(4), 206-213. doi:10.35470/2226-4116-2020-9-4-206-213 | Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences | Scopus | Q3 | http://lib.physcon.ru/doc?id=e86181090a19 | |
доцент | Шарякова Ольга Леонидовна | Sharyakov, V.A., Sharyakova, O.L., Makarova, E.I., Vorobiev, A.A. (2020) Providing Uninterrupted Operation of a Cabin Air Conditioner Compressor, Russian Electrical Engineering, 91 (2), pp. 93-97, DOI: 10.3103/S1068371220020108 | Pleiades Publishing | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103%2FS1068371220020108 | |
Кафедра автомобильных дорог, мостов и тоннелей | |||||||
доцент | Симановский Александр Мордхаевич | Simanovskii, A.M. (2020) Thermal insulation in pavement as a means of preserving or restoration the historical vertical layout of city streets, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1),012075, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012075 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012075 | |
доцент | Квитко Александр Владимирович | Polyntsev, E. S., & Kvitko, A. V. (2020). Using foam polyurethane sealers for strengthening of soils of a road bed of transport constructions. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012029 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=347135 | |
ассистент | Козак Николай Викторович | Kozak, N. V. (2020). Modeling of live load influence in analisis of bridge structures endurance. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 832(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012025 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/832/1/012025 | |
документовед | Юстикова Лилия Николаевна | Ukolov, S., Shevchenko, S., Simonov, D., Trepalin, V., Yustikova, L. (2020) Joint devices for modular removable road pavement slabs made of polymer materials for agribusiness, E3S Web of Conferences, 175, № 11026, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017511026 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/35/e3sconf_interagromash2020_11026/e3sconf... | |
Shevchenko, S., Ukolov, S., Simonov, D., Trepalin, V., Yustikova, L. (2020) Design of modular removable road pavement slabs for the agro-industrial complex, E3S Web of Conferences, 175, № 11025, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017511025 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/35/e3sconf_interagromash2020_11025/e3sconf... | |||
Кафедра архитектурно-строительных конструкций | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Головина Светлана Геннадьевна | Vozniak, E., Golovina, S., Kolesova, M.(2020) First building engineers in architectural practice of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5011, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405011 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05011/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05011.html | |
Golovina, S., Tikhonov, Y., & Sokol, I. (2020). Innovation building materials in energy-saving wall systems of historical buildings in saint petersburg. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701004 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01004/e3sconf_ersme2020_01004.html | |||
Golovina, S., Tikhonov, Y., & Sokol, I. (2020). Innovation building materials in energy-saving wall systems of historical buildings in saint petersburg. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701004 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01004/e3sconf_ersme2020_01004.html | |||
Golovina, S. (2020) Architectural and constructive concept of the historical residential development of St. Petersburg in the XVIII-early XX centuries, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5006, . DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405006 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05006/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05006.html | |||
Pastukh, O., Gray, T., & Golovina, S. (2020). RESTORED LAYERS: RECONSTRUCTION of HISTORICAL SITES and RESTORATION of ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE: The EXPERIENCE of the UNITED STATES and RUSSIA (CASE STUDY of ST. PETERSBURG). Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 17-24. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-17-24 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/296/161 | |||
доцент | Пастух Ольга Александровна | Vaitens, A., Pastukh, O., Volkov, V., Mityagin, S. (2020) Provisions of urban reconstruction in general plan of Leningrad development in 1966: Ideas and results, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04024.html | |
Zhivotov, D., Pastukh, O. (2020) Construction of geodesic domes made of wood and composite materials during restoration and conservation of cultural heritage objects, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2020, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402020 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02020/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02020.html | |||
Pastukh, O., Gray, T., & Golovina, S. (2020). RESTORED LAYERS: RECONSTRUCTION of HISTORICAL SITES and RESTORATION of ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE: The EXPERIENCE of the UNITED STATES and RUSSIA (CASE STUDY of ST. PETERSBURG). Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 17-24. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-17-24 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/296/161 | |||
доцент | Панин Александр Николаевич | Maslennikov, N., Panin, A., Semenov, A., & Kharlab, V. (2020). Study of deformation of structural elements as result of concrete creep doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_45 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_45 | |
Panin, A., & Semenov, A. (2020). Nonlinear deformations of stiffened reinforced concrete shells,Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 180-193. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.180 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.180 | |||
доцент | Смирнов Антон Александрович | Smirnov, A. (2020). Earthquake Resistance of Buildings of Complex Macrostructure with Elastic-Plastic Bonds. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1115 AISC, pp. 1006-1018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37916-2_99 | Springer | Scopus | Q3 | https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/earthquake-resistance-of-buildings-of-complex-macrostructure-wit/17544558 | |
доцент | ЯБЛОНСКИЙ Леонид Люцианович | Popova, O., Brenchukova, N., Yablonskii, L., Dikareva, V. (2020) Feasibility study of energy efficient repair of residential buildings of the first mass series, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 982, с. 125-136, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_13 | Springer Science + Business Media (Германия) | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_13 | |
Yablonskii, L. (2020) Volume-planning and town-planning organization of mixed residential development in the complex development of the territory, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4017, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404017 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04017/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04017.html | |||
доцент | Ушакова Ольга Борисовна | Safina, G. I., Ushakova, O. B., Mubarakshina, F. D., & Safin, I. S. (2020). Environmental consequences of firing technologies evolution in ceramics. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(5), 509-517. doi:10.22124/CJES.2020.4480 | University of Guilan | Scopus | б/квартиля | ||
старший преподаватель | Ведерникова Алёна Андреевна | Vedernikova, A. A., & Shishmarev, R. A. (2020). Truss model data analysis in autodesk revit. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 944(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012037 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012037 | |
Кафедра геотехники | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Мангушев Рашид Александрович | Mangushev, R.A., Osokin, A.I. (2020) Practical restoration-related experience with creation of basement level and underground parking into and near architectural monuments in down-town of Saint-Petersburg, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12070, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012070. | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012070 | |
Mangushev, R., Sapin, D., Lashkova, E., Smolenkov, V. (2020) The impact of slurry wall stiffness on settlements of neighboring buildings, 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019 | Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | - | |||
Kondratieva, L., Ivina, M., Mangushev, R. (2020) Optimizing the system of placing Orthodox parish church complexes in modern urban environment of Saint Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4031, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404031 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031.html | |||
Mangushev, R., Sotnikov, S., Osokin, A. (2020) Modern technologies of foundation building in the conditions of weak soils of St. Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02018/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02018.html | |||
Yankovskaya, Y., Datciuk, T., Kondratieva, L., Mangushev, R. (2020) Structure, adaptability and security of an architectural object, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5007, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405007 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007.html | |||
Kokorina, O., Perov, F., Mangushev, R. (2020) Principles of the formation of tourism and recreation complexes (example of Rozhdestveno, Leningrad Oblast, Russia), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04018/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
Mangushev, R., Sotnikov, S. (2020) Comparison of deformations of the large floating-roof tanks with the results of long-term monitoring, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 1022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016401022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_01022/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
Kolesnik, D.S. & Mangushev, R.A. (2020). To assess the horizontal displacement of piles caused by excavation of the soil of the pit. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 16 (1), pp. 73-85. DOI: 10.22337/2587-9618-2020-16-1-73-85 | ASV Publishing House | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ijccse.iasv.ru/index.php/ijccse/article/view/276 | |||
профессор | Сахаров Игорь Игоревич | Kudryavtsev, S., Valtseva, T., Bugunov, S., Kotenko, Z., Paramonov, V., Saharov, I., & Sokolova, N. (2020). Numerical simulation of the work of a low-settlement embankment on a pile foundation in the process of permafrost soil thawing, Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions, 2, pp. 73-82, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0454-9_9 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-15-0454-9_9 | |
Sakharov, I.I., Paramonov, V.N., Kudryavtsev, S.A. (2020) The account of frost heave and thawing processes when designing road embankments in cold regions, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 49, pp. 19-24, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0450-1_3 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-15-0450-1_3 | |||
профессор | КОНДРАТЬЕВА Лидия Никитовна | Kondratieva, L., Konyushkov, V., Trong, L. V., & Kirillov, V. (2020). Analysis of bored piles' field test results, Analysis of bored piles' field test results (2020) Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 194-201.doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.194 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.194 | |
Ivina, M., & Kondratieva, L. (2020). Trends in development of architectural and planning solutions for parish church complexes. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701002 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01002/e3sconf_ersme2020_01002.html | |||
Kondrat'eva, L. N., Stepanova, N. R., & Bochkov, P. V. (2020). The formation of a comfortable urban environment. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 972(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/972/1/012021 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/972/1/012021 | |||
Kubina, E., Stepanova, N., Davy, Y., & Kondratyeva, L. (2020). Universal strategy game. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-Based Learning, , 2020September 323-330. doi:10.34190/GBL.20.086 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Academic Conferences International | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.academic-conferences.org/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2020/10/ECGBL20-Abstract-booklet-with-cover.pdf#page=85 | |||
Morozov, V., Popov, V., Plyusnin, M., & Kondrateva, L. (2020). Bending and eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete structures at low and freeze-thaw temperatures doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_32 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_32 | |||
Kondratieva, L., Ivina, M., Mangushev, R. (2020) Optimizing the system of placing Orthodox parish church complexes in modern urban environment of Saint Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4031, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404031 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04031.html | |||
Yankovskaya, Y., Datciuk, T., Kondratieva, L., Mangushev, R. (2020) Structure, adaptability and security of an architectural object, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5007, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405007 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05007/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
доцент | Заводчикова Мария Борисовна | Korvet, N. , Zavodchikova, M. , Lazdovskaya, M. (2020) Influence of technogenic factors on the engineering and geological conditions of the gas plant territory in the Orenburg region, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 1021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016401021 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_01021/e3sconf_tpacee2020_01021.html | |
доцент | Осокин Анатолий Иванович | Osokin, A.I., Kalach, F.N., Diakonov, I.P., Remizova, N.V. (2020) Value of additional vertical deformations of foundations depending on injection grouting conditions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12144, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | |
Mangushev, R.A., Osokin, A.I. (2020) Practical restoration-related experience with creation of basement level and underground parking into and near architectural monuments in down-town of Saint-Petersburg, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12070, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012070. | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012070 | |||
Mironov, D.A., Osokin, A.I., Loseva, E.S., Kuzhelev, A.I. (2020) Specific features of diaphragm wall construction, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12051, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012051 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012051 | |||
Loseva, E.S., Osokin, A.I., Kopteva, A.I. (2020) Features of underground space formation at the base of high-rise buildings, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1),012025, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012025 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012025 | |||
Mangushev, R., Sotnikov, S., Osokin, A. (2020) Modern technologies of foundation building in the conditions of weak soils of St. Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402018 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02018/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02018.html | |||
доцент | Парамонов Максим Владимирович | Sakharov, I.I., Paramonov, V.N., Kudryavtsev, S.A. (2020) The account of frost heave and thawing processes when designing road embankments in cold regions, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 49, pp. 19-24, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0450-1_3 | Springer | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-15-0450-1_3 | |
доцент | АВВАД Талал | Awwad, T., Al Kodsi, S., Ulitsky, V., Shashkin, A., & Awwad, L. (2020). Numerical analysis using elastic–plastic soil model for a single pile in clay layer to examine the effect surcharge loading on the distribution of skin friction doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0450-1_52 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-15-0450-1_5 | |
доцент | Дьяконов Иван Павлович | Loseva, E., Osokin, A., Mironov, D., & Dyakonov, I. (2020). SPECIFIC FEATURES of the CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY CONTROL of PILE FOUNDATIONS in ENGINEERING and GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS of SAINT PETERSBURG. [ОСОБЕННОСТИ УСТРОЙСТВА И КОНТРОЛЯ КАЧЕСТВА СВАЙНЫХ ОСНОВАНИЙ В ИНЖЕНЕРНО-ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ УСЛОВИЯХ САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГА] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 38-45. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-38-45 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/299/164 | |
доцент | КОНЮШКОВ Владимир Викторови | Kondratieva, L., Konyushkov, V., Trong, L. V., & Kirillov, V. (2020). Analysis of bored piles' field test results, Analysis of bored piles' field test results (2020) Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 194-201.doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.194 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.194 | |
Konyushkov, V., Sotnikov, S., Veretennikov, V., Ershov, I. (2020) Application of 4D BIM modelling in planning and construction of zero cycle works, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08024.html | |||
Konyushkov, V., Le, V.T. (2020) Side friction of sandy and clay soils and their resistance under the toe of deep bored piles (2020) Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 36-44, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-36-44 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/276/156 | |||
доцент | Осокин Анатолий Иванович | Loseva, E., Osokin, A., Mironov, D., & Dyakonov, I. (2020). SPECIFIC FEATURES of the CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY CONTROL of PILE FOUNDATIONS in ENGINEERING and GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS of SAINT PETERSBURG. [ОСОБЕННОСТИ УСТРОЙСТВА И КОНТРОЛЯ КАЧЕСТВА СВАЙНЫХ ОСНОВАНИЙ В ИНЖЕНЕРНО-ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ УСЛОВИЯХ САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГА] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 38-45. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-38-45 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/299/164 | |
старший преподаватель | Дьяконов Иван Павлович | Osokin, A.I., Kalach, F.N., Diakonov, I.P., Remizova, N.V. (2020) Value of additional vertical deformations of foundations depending on injection grouting conditions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12144, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | |
ассистент | Бояринцев Андрей Владимирович | Boyarintsev, A. V. (2020). Polymer and composite piles. international and russian experience. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, doi:10.1007/s11204-020-09686-9 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11204-020-09686-9 | |
ассистент | Ремизова Надежда Вячеславовна | Osokin, A.I., Kalach, F.N., Diakonov, I.P., Remizova, N.V. (2020) Value of additional vertical deformations of foundations depending on injection grouting conditions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12144, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012144 | |
Кафедра железобетонных и каменных конструкций | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | МОРОЗОВ Валерий Иванович | Morozov, V., Popov, V., Plyusnin, M., & Kondrateva, L. (2020). Bending and eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete structures at low and freeze-thaw temperatures, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 329-338. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_32 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_32 | |
доцент | Попов Владимир Мирович | Morozov, V., Popov, V., Plyusnin, M., & Kondrateva, L. (2020). Bending and eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete structures at low and freeze-thaw temperatures doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_32 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_32 | |
доцент | Хегай Алексей Олегович | Pavlov, A., Khegay, A., & Khegay, T. (2020). Analysis of bending steel fiber reinforced concrete elements with a stress-strain model. [РАСЧЕТ ИЗГИБАЕМЫХ СТАЛЕФИБРОЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ С УЧЕТОМ ДЕФОРМАЦИОННОЙ МОДЕЛИ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 14-21. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-14-21 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Zatsepilova, A., Khegai, T., & Khegai, A. (2020). Study of the junction of a slab with a column of the beamless floor. Paper presented at the Proceedings - 2020 2nd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency, SUMMA 2020, 601-607. doi:10.1109/SUMMA50634.2020.9280756 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9280756 | |||
доцент | Хегай Татьяна Сергеевна | Zatsepilova, A., Khegai, T., & Khegai, A. (2020). Study of the junction of a slab with a column of the beamless floor. Paper presented at the Proceedings - 2020 2nd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency, SUMMA 2020, 601-607. doi:10.1109/SUMMA50634.2020.9280756 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9280756 | |
Pavlov, A., Khegay, A., & Khegay, T. (2020). Analysis of bending steel fiber reinforced concrete elements with a stress-strain model. [РАСЧЕТ ИЗГИБАЕМЫХ СТАЛЕФИБРОЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ С УЧЕТОМ ДЕФОРМАЦИОННОЙ МОДЕЛИ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 14-21. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-14-21 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра информационных технологий | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | СЕМЕНОВ Алексей Александрович | Karpov, V., Semenov, A. (2020) Computer modeling of the creep process in stiffened shells, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 982, с. 48-58, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_5 | Springer Science + Business Media (Германия) | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_5 | |
Maslennikov, N., Panin, A., Semenov, A., & Kharlab, V. (2020). Study of deformation of structural elements as result of concrete creep doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_45 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_45 | |||
Petrov, D., & Semenov, A. (2020). Buckling of cylindrical shell panels in ansys. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, , 2315 doi:10.1063/5.0036813 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | American Institute of Physics Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0036813 | |||
Semenov, A., & Zgoda, I. (2020). Visualization of the stress-strain state of shell structures using virtual and augmented reality technologies. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2744 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | CEUR-WS | Scopus | б/квартиля | - | |||
Zgoda, I., & Semenov, A. (2020). Virtual and augmented reality technologies in training architecture and civil engineering specialists. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2744 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | CEUR-WS | Scopus | б/квартиля | - | |||
Panin, A., & Semenov, A. (2020). Nonlinear deformations of stiffened reinforced concrete shells,Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 180-193. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.180 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.180 | |||
Lapina, E. O., & Semenov, A. A. (2020). Investigation of Strength and Buckling of Orthotropic Conical Shells and Conical Panels. Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta Novaya Seriya-Matematika Mekhanika Informatika, 20(1), 79-92. doi:10.18500/1816-9791-2020-20-1-79-92 | SARATOV STATE UNIV | WoS | б/квартиля | https://mmi.sgu.ru/sites/mmi.sgu.ru/files/2020/02/79-92lapina-semenov.pdf | |||
Karpov, V. V., & Semenov, A. A. (2020). Refined model of stiffened shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 199, 43-56. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.03.019 | PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD | WoS | Q1 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020768320301074?via%3Dihub | |||
Stolbikhin, I., & Semenov, A. (2020). Simulation studies of numerical relationship of sewage energy dissipation chamber efficiency. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1614(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012017 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012017 | |||
Zgoda, I.N., Semenov, A.A. & Vager, B.G. (2020). Features of bim-model preparation for photorealistic interactive visualization in virtual and augmented reality. Journal of Computational Technologies, 25 (4), pp. 69-82. DOI 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.007 | Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS | Scopus | Q4 | http://www.ict.nsc.ru/jct/annotation/1986 | |||
Semenov, A. A., & Zgoda, I. N. (2020). Stress-strain state interactive visualization of the parametrically-defined thin-shell structures with the use of AR and VR technologies. Scientific Visualization, 12(4), 108-122. doi:10.26583/sv.12.4.10 | Scientific Visualization | Sc | Q3 | http://sv-journal.org/2020-4/10/ | |||
профессор | Никифоров Сергей Николаевич | Nikiforov, S. (2020). Method of reducing time spent on parallel diagnostics of digital objects. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 473-482. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.056 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308048?via%3Dihub | |
Nikiforov, S. (2020). Parallel diagnostics of set of digital objects using ν -procedure. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 12-19. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.002 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235214652030747X?via%3Dihub | |||
профессор-консультант | КАРПОВ Владимир Васильевич | Karpov, V., Semenov, A. (2020) Computer modeling of the creep process in stiffened shells, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 982, с. 48-58, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_5 | Springer Science + Business Media (Германия) | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19756-8_5 | |
Karpov, V. V., & Semenov, A. A. (2020). Refined model of stiffened shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 199, 43-56. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.03.019 | PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD | WoS | Q1 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020768320301074?via%3Dihub | |||
доцент | Букунова Ольга Викторовна | Bukunova, O., & Bukunov, A. (2020). Information modelling as a tool to manage construction project information flows. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(4) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/4/042030 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/4/042030 | |
Bukunova, O., & Bukunov, A. (2020). Management of deconstruction of construction objects. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022085 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022085 | |||
старший преподаватель | Киба Мария Романовна | Lee, R. I., Rizaeva, Y. N., Manaenkov, K. A., Psarev, D. N., & Kiba, M. R. (2020). The fractal approach and the effect of nanoadhesive in polymer nanocomposites. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 022042, 919(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/919/2/022042 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Lee, R. I., Rizaeva, Y. N., Psarev, D. N., & Kiba, M. R. (2020). Technology for forming a multi-layer polymer coating when restoring worn-out landing holes in the body parts of equipment. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 032020, 919(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/919/3/032020 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
ассистент | Петров Дмитрий Сергеевич | Petrov, D., & Semenov, A. (2020). Buckling of cylindrical shell panels in ansys. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, , 2315 doi:10.1063/5.0036813 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | American Institute of Physics Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0036813 | |
ассистент | Згода Юрий Николаевич | Semenov, A. A., & Zgoda, I. N. (2020). Stress-strain state interactive visualization of the parametrically-defined thin-shell structures with the use of AR and VR technologies. Scientific Visualization, 12(4), 108-122. doi:10.26583/sv.12.4.10 | Scientific Visualization | Sc | Q3 | http://sv-journal.org/2020-4/10/ | |
Semenov, A., & Zgoda, I. (2020). Visualization of the stress-strain state of shell structures using virtual and augmented reality technologies. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2744 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | CEUR-WS | Scopus | б/квартиля | - | |||
Zgoda, I.N., Semenov, A.A., Vager, B.G. (2020). Features of bim-model preparation for photorealistic interactive visualization in virtual and augmented reality. Journal of Computational Technologies, 25 (4), pp. 69-82. DOI 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.007 | Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS | Scopus | Q4 | http://www.ict.nsc.ru/jct/annotation/1986 | |||
Zgoda, I., & Semenov, A. (2020). Virtual and augmented reality technologies in training architecture and civil engineering specialists. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2744 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | CEUR-WS | Scopus | б/квартиля | - | |||
Кафедра математики | |||||||
профессор | Белопольская Яна Исаевна | Belopolskaya, Y. I., & Stepanova, A. O. (2020). Stochastic interpretation of the MHD-burgers system. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 244(5), 703-717. doi:10.1007/s10958-020-04643-1 | Mathematical Sciences Publishers (США) | Sc | Q2 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10958-020-04643-1 | |
Pang, G., Sarantsev, A., Belopolskaya, Y., & Suhov, Y. (2020). Stationary distributions and convergence for M/M/1 queues in interactive random environment. Queueing Systems, doi:10.1007/s11134-019-09644-9 | Elsevier BV (Нидерланды) | Sc&WoS | Q2 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11134-019-09644-9 | |||
Belopolskaya, Y. (2020). Probabilistic interpretation of the cauchy problem solution for systems of nonlinear parabolic equations. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 41(4), 597-612. doi:10.1134/S1995080220040046 | Pleiades Publishing | Sc&WoS | Q2 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS1995080220040046 | |||
Belopolskaya, Y., & Nemchenko, E. (2020). Probabilistic models and numerical algorithms for quasilinear parabolic equations and systems. Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 14(1-2), 1-13. Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Serials Publications | Sc | Q3 | ||||
Belopolskaya, Y. I. (2020). Stochastic models of chemotaxis processes. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 251(1) doi:10.1007/s10958-020-05059-7 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | ||||
профессор | Вагер Борис Георгиевич | Zgoda, I.N., Semenov, A.A. & Vager, B.G. (2020). Features of bim-model preparation for photorealistic interactive visualization in virtual and augmented reality. Journal of Computational Technologies, 25 (4), pp. 69-82. DOI 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.007 | Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS | Scopus | Q4 | http://www.ict.nsc.ru/jct/annotation/1986 | |
профессор | Смирнова Вера Борисовна | Smirnova, V. B., & Proskurnikov, A. V. (2020). Leonov's method of nonlocal reduction and its further development. Paper presented at the European Control Conference 2020, ECC 2020, 94-99. | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc | Sc | б/квартиля | - | |
Smirnova, V. B., Proskurnikov, A. V., & Utina, N. V. (2020). Leonov's method of nonlocal reduction for pointwise stability of phase systems. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2020 15th International Conference on Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2020, doi:10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140629 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Sc | б/квартиля | 10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140629 | |||
Proskurnikov, A.V. & Smirnova, V.B. (2020). Constructive estimates of the pull-in range for synchronization circuit described by integro-differential equations. Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2020-October, статья № 9180519, DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180519 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9180519 | |||
Smirnova, V.B. & Proskurnikov, A.V. (2020). Leonov's nonlocal reduction technique for nonlinear integro-differential equations IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 6398-6403. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1777 | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | Q3 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896320323867 | |||
Smirnova, V. B., Proskurnikov, A. V., Pak, E. E., & Titov, R. V. (2020). New criteria for gradient-like behavior of synchronization systems with distributed parameters. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2020 15th International Conference on Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2020, doi:10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140672 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9140672 | |||
доцент | Пак Элла Ефимовна | Smirnova, V. B., Proskurnikov, A. V., Pak, E. E., & Titov, R. V. (2020). New criteria for gradient-like behavior of synchronization systems with distributed parameters. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2020 15th International Conference on Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2020, doi:10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140672 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9140672 | |
доцент | Утина Наталья Валерьевна | Smirnova, V. B., Proskurnikov, A. V., & Utina, N. V. (2020). Leonov's method of nonlocal reduction for pointwise stability of phase systems. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2020 15th International Conference on Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2020, doi:10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140629 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Sc | б/квартиля | 10.1109/STAB49150.2020.9140629 | |
старший преподаватель | ЕРШОВА Юлия Юрьевна | Cherednichenko, K. D., Ershova, Y. Y., & Kiselev, A. V. (2020). Effective behaviour of critical-contrast PDEs: Micro-resonances, frequency conversion, and time dispersive properties. I. Communications in Mathematical Physics, doi:10.1007/s00220-020-03696-2 | Springer | Sc | Q1 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00220-020-03696-2 | |
старший преподаватель | Немченко Екатерина Игоревна | Belopolskaya, Y., & Nemchenko, E. (2020). Probabilistic models and numerical algorithms for quasilinear parabolic equations and systems. Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 14(1-2), 1-13. Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Serials Publications | Sc | Q3 | ||
Кафедра металлических и деревянных конструкций | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Черных Александр Григорьевич | Chernyh, A.G., Moskalev, M.B. (2020) Features of preliminary stresses in wooden constructions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12143, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012143 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012143 | |
Korolkov, D.I., Chernykh, A.G., Kazakevich, T.N., Mamedov, S.M., Gravit, M.V. (2020) Use of two-parameter distributions for a joint assessment of the residual resource of building structures and engineering systems of buildings and structures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12142, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012142 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012142 | |||
Gordienko, V., Chernykh, A., Repin, S. (2020) Influence of recrystallization annealing regime on the formation of a fine-grained structure in structural steels, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408021 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08021/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
Chernykh, A., Korolkov, D., Nizhegorodtsev, D., Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S. (2020) Estimating the residual operating life of wooden structures in high humidity conditions, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-10-19 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/273/153 | |||
Chernykh, A. G., Danilov, E. V., & Koval, P. S. (2020). STIFFNESS ANALYSIS OF CONNECTIONS OF LVL STRUCTURES WITH CLAW WASHERS. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(4), 157-167. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-157-167 | NORTHERN ARCTIC FEDERAL UNIV M V LOMONOSOV | WoS | б/квартиля | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=347132 | |||
Korolkov, D., Chernykh, A., & Gravit, M. (2020). Method for determining the residual resource of building structures by the terms of their operation doi:10.1007/978-3-030-42351-3_34 | Springer | Sc | Q4 | ||||
Chernykh, A., Mironova, S., & Mamedov, S. (2020). Ecological peculiarities and problems of glued timber structures reinforcement. [Właściwości ekologiczne i problemy wzmocnienia konstrukcji z drewna klejonego] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(1), 203-213. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Sc&WoS | Q3 | - | |||
Kotuła, M., Szkarowski, A., & Chernykh, A. (2020). Analysis of the problem of natural gas waterlogging. [Analiza problemu zawodnienia gazu ziemnego] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(2), 704-715. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Scopus | Q3 | - | |||
Glukhikh, V. N., & Chernykh, A. G. (2020). REASONING OF TREE CROSS SECTIONS OVAL SHAPING WHILE GROWING WITH AN INCLINATION. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(5), 166-175. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-5-166-175 | NORTHERN ARCTIC FEDERAL UNIV M V LOMONOSOV | WoS | Q4 | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=349526 | |||
Chernyh, A., & Moskalev, M. (2020). Improving the resistance of frame buildings to emergency impact through voltage regulation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012031 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012031 | |||
Chernykh, A., Kazakevich, T., Kiryutina, S., Korolkov, D., & Nizhegorodtsev, D. (2020). Qualification tests of adhesive systems, the assessment of the durability of glued wooden structures. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 | |||
Melekhov, V., Byzov, V., Chernykh, A., & Mamedov, S. (2020). STRENGTH PROPERTIES of TRUSS ELEMENTS MADE of ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY STRUCTURAL LUMBER. [ПРОЧНОСТНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ФЕРМЫ ИЗ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ КОНСТРУКЦИОННЫХ ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛОВ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 25-31. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-25-31 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/297/162 | |||
профессор | Гордиенко Валерий Евгеньевич | Gordienko, V., Chernykh, A., Repin, S. (2020) Influence of recrystallization annealing regime on the formation of a fine-grained structure in structural steels, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408021 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08021/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
Kapustin, A., Vorobiev, S., Gordienko, V., & Marusin, A. (2020). Method for improving the safety of diesel vehicles when operating on gas engine fuel (gas diesel engines). Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 226-233. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.028 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307742?via%3Dihub | |||
Belyaev, A., Gordienko, V., Druzhinin, P., Evtukov, S. (2020) Mathematical model for selecting the best technology for restoring road construction machines, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 3044, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016403044 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044/e3sconf_tpacee2020_03044.html | |||
Gordienko, V. (2020) Magnetic control of structural changes in structural steels during plastic deformation, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 8023, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016408023 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_08023/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
профессор-консультант | Белый Григорий Иванович | Belyy, G.I., Askinazi, V.U. (2002) Overall stability of steel web-tapered frame members, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12152, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012152 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012152 | |
Egorov, V., & Belyy, G. (2020). Nonlinear properties of hybrid construction of coatings of buildings and structures. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701001 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01001/e3sconf_ersme2020_01001.html | |||
доцент | Мамедов Ширали Махаррам-оглы | Chernykh, A., Korolkov, D., Nizhegorodtsev, D., Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S. (2020) Estimating the residual operating life of wooden structures in high humidity conditions, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-10-19 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/273/153 | |
Chernykh, A., Mironova, S., & Mamedov, S. (2020). Ecological peculiarities and problems of glued timber structures reinforcement. [Właściwości ekologiczne i problemy wzmocnienia konstrukcji z drewna klejonego] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(1), 203-213. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Scopus | Q3 | - | |||
Popov, E. V., Ruslanova, A. V., Sopilov, V. V., Zdralovic, N., Mamedov, S. M., & Labudin, B. V. (2020). CONTACT INTERACTION OF A CLAW WASHER WITH WOOD AT LIMITING SHEAR. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(4), 178-189. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-178-189 | WoS | б/квартиля | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=347135 | ||||
Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S., Nizhegorodtsev, D., & Klevan, V. (2020). Improving the reliability of FRP bars tests by increasing the adhesive strength in specimen anchor. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 | |||
Melekhov, V., Byzov, V., Chernykh, A., & Mamedov, S. (2020). STRENGTH PROPERTIES of TRUSS ELEMENTS MADE of ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY STRUCTURAL LUMBER. [ПРОЧНОСТНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ФЕРМЫ ИЗ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ КОНСТРУКЦИОННЫХ ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛОВ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 25-31. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-25-31 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/297/162 | |||
Szkarowski, A., Jaworski, Ł. & Mamedov, S. (2020). Utilization of process wastewater heat [Article@Utylizacja ciepła ścieków poprodukcyjnych]. Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22 (2), pp. 1074-1083. | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Sc&WoS | Q3 | http://ros.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=880:075-ros-v22-r2020&catid=62&lang=pl&Itemid=299 | |||
Korolkov, D.I., Chernykh, A.G., Kazakevich, T.N., Mamedov, S.M. & Gravit, M.V. (2020) Use of two-parameter distributions for a joint assessment of the residual resource of building structures and engineering systems of buildings and structures, IOP Conference | Institute of Physics Publishing | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012142 | |||
доцент | Бызов Виктор Евгеньевич | Byzov, V. E., Melekhov, V. I., & Toropov, A. S. (2020). Production of wooden I-beams from angular elements for low-rise housing. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012048 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012048 | |
Toropov, A. S., Byzov, V. E., & Melekhov, V. I. (2020). Deformations during drying of wooden corner elements of I-beams. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 98(7) doi:10.18720/MCE.99.13 | St-Petersburg State Polytechnical University | Scopus | Q2 | https://engstroy.spbstu.ru/en/article/2020.99.13/ | |||
Melekhov, V., Byzov, V., Chernykh, A., & Mamedov, S. (2020). STRENGTH PROPERTIES of TRUSS ELEMENTS MADE of ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY STRUCTURAL LUMBER. [ПРОЧНОСТНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ФЕРМЫ ИЗ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ КОНСТРУКЦИОННЫХ ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛОВ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 25-31. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-25-31 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/297/162 | |||
доцент | Миронова Стефания Ивановна | Chernykh, A., Mironova, S., & Mamedov, S. (2020). Ecological peculiarities and problems of glued timber structures reinforcement. [Właściwości ekologiczne i problemy wzmocnienia konstrukcji z drewna klejonego] Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, 22(1), 203-213. Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Middle Pomeranian Scientific Society of The Environment Protection | Scopus | Q3 | - | |
доцент | Казакевич Татьяна Николаевна | Chernykh, A., Kazakevich, T., Kiryutina, S., Korolkov, D., & Nizhegorodtsev, D. (2020). Qualification tests of adhesive systems, the assessment of the durability of glued wooden structures. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 | |
Korolkov, D.I., Chernykh, A.G., Kazakevich, T.N., Mamedov, S.M., Gravit, M.V. (2020) Use of two-parameter distributions for a joint assessment of the residual resource of building structures and engineering systems of buildings and structures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12142, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012142 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012142 | |||
Chernykh, A., Korolkov, D., Nizhegorodtsev, D., Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S. (2020) Estimating the residual operating life of wooden structures in high humidity conditions, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-10-19 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/273/153 | |||
Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S., Nizhegorodtsev, D., & Klevan, V. (2020). Improving the reliability of FRP bars tests by increasing the adhesive strength in specimen anchor. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 | |||
доцент | Москалев Михаил Борисович | Chernyh, A.G., Moskalev, M.B. (2020) Features of preliminary stresses in wooden constructions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12143, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012143 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012143 | |
Chernyh, A., & Moskalev, M. (2020). Improving the resistance of frame buildings to emergency impact through voltage regulation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012031 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012031 | |||
доцент | Шмидт Александр Борисович | Shmidt, A. B. (2020). The effectiveness of structures combined from elements of various materials united by bonds consistent with the SSS of the connected elements. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012034 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012034 | |
старший преподаватель | Данилов Егор Владимирович | Chernykh, A. G., Danilov, E. V., & Koval, P. S. (2020). STIFFNESS ANALYSIS OF CONNECTIONS OF LVL STRUCTURES WITH CLAW WASHERS. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(4), 157-167. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-157-167 | NORTHERN ARCTIC FEDERAL UNIV M V LOMONOSOV | WoS | б/квартиля | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=347132 | |
старший преподаватель | Коваль Павел Сергеевич | Chernykh, A. G., Danilov, E. V., & Koval, P. S. (2020). STIFFNESS ANALYSIS OF CONNECTIONS OF LVL STRUCTURES WITH CLAW WASHERS. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(4), 157-167. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-4-157-167 | NORTHERN ARCTIC FEDERAL UNIV M V LOMONOSOV | WoS | б/квартиля | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=347132 | |
ассистент | Нижегородцев Денис Валерьевич | Chernykh, A., Korolkov, D., Nizhegorodtsev, D., Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S. (2020) Estimating the residual operating life of wooden structures in high humidity conditions, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-10-19 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/273/153 | |
Chernykh, A., Kazakevich, T., Kiryutina, S., Korolkov, D., & Nizhegorodtsev, D. (2020). Qualification tests of adhesive systems, the assessment of the durability of glued wooden structures. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012036 | |||
Kazakevich, T., Mamedov, S., Nizhegorodtsev, D., & Klevan, V. (2020). Improving the reliability of FRP bars tests by increasing the adhesive strength in specimen anchor. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012033 | |||
ассистент | Циулин Евгений Юрьевич | Tsiulin, E. (2020). LVL-structures made as combined section with small-compliance connections, consistent with stress-strain state of structural elements. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 896(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012038 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/896/1/012038 | |
Кафедра организации строительства | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Дроздов Александр Данилович | Drozdov, A., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O. (2020) Dependence of foam concrete properties on technological factors E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 14010, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016414010 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14010/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14010.html | |
профессор | Болотин Сергей Алексеевич | Khoshnaw, Y. B. H., Bolotin, S., Bagulya, V., & Bohan, H. (2020). Algorithm for neural network regeneration of labor costs based on the assessment of relevant construction data. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 869(6) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/869/6/062003 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/869/6/062003 | |
доцент | Бовтеев Сергей Владимирович | Bovteev, S., & Mishakova, A. (2020). Assessment and analysis of programs for the management of transport infrastructure construction projects. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012002, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012002 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
доцент | Сокольников Владимир Вячеславович | Sokolnikov, V., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O., & Nurgalina, R. (2020). Organizational and technological decisions in the construction of transport infrastructure facilities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012015, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012015 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
старший преподаватель | Осипенкова Ирина Геннадьевна | Drozdov, A., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O. (2020) Dependence of foam concrete properties on technological factors, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 14010, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016414010 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14010/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14010.html | |
Sokolnikov, V., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O., & Nurgalina, R. (2020). Organizational and technological decisions in the construction of transport infrastructure facilities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012015, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012015 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Drozdov, A., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O. (2020) Dependence of foam concrete properties on technological factors, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 14010, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016414010 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14010/e3sconf_tpacee... | |||
старший преподаватель | Ступакова Ольга Геннадиевна | Sokolnikov, V., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O., & Nurgalina, R. (2020). Organizational and technological decisions in the construction of transport infrastructure facilities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012015, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012015 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
старший преподаватель | Нургалина Роза Ришатовна | Sokolnikov, V., Osipenkova, I., Stupakova, O., & Nurgalina, R. (2020). Organizational and technological decisions in the construction of transport infrastructure facilities. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012015, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012015 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
ассистент | Царенко Анна Алексеевна | Tzarenko, A., & Yurgaytis, A. (2020). Possibilities for intensifying construction work's dynamic on objects of the annual production program by winter concreting technology. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/3/032072 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/3/032072 | |
кафедра строительной механики | |||||||
профессор-консультант | Рутман Юрий Лазаревич | Rutman, Yu.L., Ivanov, A.Yu., Meleshko, V.A. (2020) Discrete-analytical nonlinear analysis with improved computation accuracy for steel frame lateral response evaluation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12147, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012147 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012147 | |
Benin, A., Nesterova, O., Uzdin, A. , Prokopovich, S., Rutman, Y., Guan, Y. (2020) On estimating the reduction factor of bridge piers, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, статья № 6012, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015706012 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_06012/e3sconf_ktti2020_06012.html | |||
профессор | Лукашевич Анатолий Анатольевич | Lukashevich, A. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Numerical solution of contact problems with friction under dynamic loads. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022058 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022058 | |
Lukashevich, A. A., Lukashevich, N. K., & Kobelev, E. A. (2020). Mixed finite element formulation based on the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 | |||
Lukashevich, A., Lukashevich, N., & Kobelev, E. (2020). Finite elements for problems of the elasticity theory with the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 224 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202022402012 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/84/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012.html | |||
профессор | Харлаб Вячеслав Данилович | Maslennikov, N., Panin, A., Semenov, A., & Kharlab, V. (2020). Study of deformation of structural elements as result of concrete creep doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_45 | Springer | Sc | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_45 | ||
профессор | Масленников Александр Матвеевич | Maslennikov., Panin, A., Semenov, A., & Kharlab, V. (2020). Study of deformation of structural elements as result of concrete creep, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 453-461. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_45 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_45 | |
профессор | Рутман Юрий Лазаревич | Meleshko, V. A., & Rutman, Y. U. L. (2020). Force method development in structural mechanics for the nonlinear tasks. FEM hybrid models. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018, 719-729. | International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Rutman, Y. L., & Ostrovskaya, N. V. (2020). Damping optimization in seismic isolation system,Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 129-135. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | |||
профессор-консультант | Глухих Владимир Николаевич | Glukhikh, V. N., & Chernykh, A. G. (2020). REASONING OF TREE CROSS SECTIONS OVAL SHAPING WHILE GROWING WITH AN INCLINATION. Lesnoy Zhurnal-Forestry Journal(5), 166-175. doi:10.37482/0536-1036-2020-5-166-175 | NORTHERN ARCTIC FEDERAL UNIV M V LOMONOSOV | WoS | Q4 | http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=349526 | |
доцент | Алейникова Маргарита Анатольевна | Aleynikova, M.A., Soytu, N.Yu. (2020) Structural mechanics and theory of structural analysis, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12131, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012131 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012131 | |
доцент | Лукашевич Надежда Кимовна | Lukashevich, A. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Numerical solution of contact problems with friction under dynamic loads. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022058 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022058 | |
Kobelev, E. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Solving the contact problem when strengthening the slab with a beam using discontinuous functions. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022046 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022046 | |||
Kobelev, E. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Solving the problem of unilateral contact of the slab with the strengthening beams by the method of variational approximations. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012089 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012089 | |||
Lukashevich, A. A., Lukashevich, N. K., & Kobelev, E. A. (2020). Mixed finite element formulation based on the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 | |||
Lukashevich, A., Lukashevich, N., & Kobelev, E. (2020). Finite elements for problems of the elasticity theory with the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 224 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202022402012 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/84/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012.html | |||
доцент | Кобелев Евгений Анатольевич | Kobelev, E. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Solving the contact problem when strengthening the slab with a beam using discontinuous functions. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022046 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022046 | |
Kobelev, E. A., & Lukashevich, N. K. (2020). Solving the problem of unilateral contact of the slab with the strengthening beams by the method of variational approximations. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012089 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Physics Publishing | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012089 | |||
Lukashevich, A. A., Lukashevich, N. K., & Kobelev, E. A. (2020). Mixed finite element formulation based on the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022044 | |||
Lukashevich, A., Lukashevich, N., & Kobelev, E. (2020). Finite elements for problems of the elasticity theory with the discontinuous stress approximation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 224 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202022402012 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/84/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012/e3sconf_TPACEE2020_02012.html | |||
доцент | Островская Надежда Владимировна | Rutman, Y. L., & Ostrovskaya, N. V. (2020). Damping optimization in seismic isolation system,Key Engineering Materials, 828 KEM, pp. 129-135. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Scopus | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | |
доцент | Сойту Наталья Юрьевна | Aleynikova, M.A., Soytu, N.Yu. (2020) Structural mechanics and theory of structural analysis, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12131, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012131 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012131 | |
доцент | Мелешко Владимир Аркадьевич | Meleshko, V. A., & Rutman, Y. U. L. (2020). Force method development in structural mechanics for the nonlinear tasks. FEM hybrid models. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018, 719-729. | International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Rutman, Yu.L., Ivanov, A.Yu., Meleshko, V.A. (2020) Discrete-analytical nonlinear analysis with improved computation accuracy for steel frame lateral response evaluation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 775 (1), 12147, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012147 | Institute of Physics Publishing | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/775/1/012147 | |||
старший преподаватель | Войтко Александр Михайлович | Voitko, A., Dobromirov, V., Podoprigora, N., & Marusin, A. (2020). Improving safety of using ambulance vehicles in large cities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 716-726. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.084 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308358?via%3Dihub | |
старший преподаватель | Нестерова Ольга Павловна | Benin, A., Nesterova, O., Uzdin, A. , Prokopovich, S., Rutman, Y., Guan, Y. (2020) On estimating the reduction factor of bridge piers, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, статья № 6012, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015706012 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_06012/e3sconf_ktti2020_06012.html | |
Кафедра технологии строительного производства | |||||||
профессор-консультант | Верстов Владимир Владимирович | Verstov, V.V., Yudina, A.F., Gaido, A.N. (2020) Improving Efficiency of Arranging Offshore Cofferdams, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57 (1), pp. 73-76. DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09639-2 | Springer | Sc&WoS | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11204-020-09639-2 | |
Verstov, V., Serebrennikov, A., & Khritankovi, V. (2020). Effective modes of driving piles into seasonally frozen soilt. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012032 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012032 | |||
профессор | Казаков Юрий Николаевич | Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Kazakov, Y., Zernov, A. (2020) Administrative permitting activities in town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, статья № 4008, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015704008 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_04008/e3sconf_ktti2020_04008.html | |
Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Kazakov, Y. (2020). State and prospects of development of self-regulation in construction industry of russia doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_44 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_44 | |||
профессор | Юдина Антонина Федоровна | Yudina, A. (2020) Defects in the hydro-insulation of the underground part of the building of tovstonogov bolshoi drama theater after the reconstruction, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2017, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402017 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02017/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02017.html | |
Judina, A. (2020) Non-reagent methods for the activation of concrete mix raw components in the construction industry, Architecture and Engineering, 5 (1), pp. 30-35, DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-1-30-35 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/275/155 | |||
Yudina, A., Sychov, S., & Gaido, A. (2020). Construction system for the erection of prefabricated buildings out of factory-made modules. [СТРОИТЕЛЬНАЯ СИСТЕМА ВОЗВЕДЕНИЯ ПОЛНОСБОРНЫХ ЗДАНИЙ ИЗ ГОТОВЫХ МОДУЛЕЙ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 32-37. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-32-37 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/298/163 | |||
Verstov, V.V., Yudina, A.F., Gaido, A.N. (2020) Improving Efficiency of Arranging Offshore Cofferdams, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57 (1), pp. 73-76. DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09639-2 | Springer | Sc&WoS | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11204-020-09639-2 | |||
ВОРОНА-СЛИВИНСКАЯ Любовь Григорьевна | Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Achba, L. (2020). Current state of intellectual property management and innovational development of the russia, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 422-428. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_41 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_41 | ||
Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Kazakov, Y. (2020). State and prospects of development of self-regulation in construction industry of russia, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1116 AISC, pp. 446-452. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-37919-3_44 | Springer | Sc | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-37919-3_44 | |||
Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Kazakov, Y., Zernov, A. (2020) Administrative permitting activities in town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, статья № 4008, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015704008 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_04008/e3sconf_ktti2020_04008.html | |||
Wang, G. R., Krzywda, D., Kondrashev, S., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2021). Recycling and Upcycling in the Practice of Waste Management of Construction Giants. Sustainability, 13(2). doi:10.3390/su13020640 | MDPI | Sc&WoS | Q2 | https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/2/640# | |||
Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Achba, L. (2020) Digital economy: Theoretical and legal enforcement issues in terms of regional aspect, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 9016, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016409016 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_09016/e3sconf_tpacee2020_09016.html | |||
Jing, Z., Benin, D., Snezhko, V., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Aksenov, I. (2020) Mechanical stresses in building structures and dry friction-ways to improve the durability of architectural structures (2020) Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12 (2 Special Issue), pp. 578-585, DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201107 | Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. | Sc | Q4 | ||||
Demiche, Y., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Voskresenskaya, E. (2020). Method of dry construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete building. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012022, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012022 | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Tilinin, Y. (2020). Intelligent street lighting technologies for transport operation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012083, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012083 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Economic mechanisms of public-private partnership in transport construction. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012203, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012203 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Entrepreneurship development in the field of transport recycling. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012212, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012212 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Panov, S., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Regulatory support of occupational safety in the construction industry and transport. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012250, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012250 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
заведующий кафедрой | Гайдо Антон Николаевич | Verstov, V.V., Yudina, A.F., Gaido, A.N. (2020) Improving Efficiency of Arranging Offshore Cofferdams, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 57 (1), pp. 73-76. DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09639-2 | Springer | Sc&WoS | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11204-020-09639-2 | |
Yudina, A., Sychov, S., & Gaido, A. (2020). Construction system for the erection of prefabricated buildings out of factory-made modules. [СТРОИТЕЛЬНАЯ СИСТЕМА ВОЗВЕДЕНИЯ ПОЛНОСБОРНЫХ ЗДАНИЙ ИЗ ГОТОВЫХ МОДУЛЕЙ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(2), 32-37. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-32-37 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | https://aej.spbgasu.ru/index.php/AE/article/view/298/163 | |||
доцент | Животов Дмитрий Андреевич | Zhivotov, D., Pastukh, O. (2020) Construction of geodesic domes made of wood and composite materials during restoration and conservation of cultural heritage objects, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 2020, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016402020 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02020/e3sconf_tpacee2020_02020.html | |
Zhivotov, D., & Latuta, V. (2020). Using geodesic domes of wood and thermoplastics for rotational camps in the arctic and northern territories. [Применение пространственных геодезических куполов из дерева и термопластов для вахтовых поселков в арктике и северных территориях] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 22-28. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-22-28 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
доцент | Латута Валерий Валерьевич | Zhivotov, D., & Latuta, V. (2020). Using geodesic domes of wood and thermoplastics for rotational camps in the arctic and northern territories. [Применение пространственных геодезических куполов из дерева и термопластов для вахтовых поселков в арктике и северных территориях] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 22-28. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-22-28 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
доцент | Тилинин Юрий Иванович | Voskresenskaya, E., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Tilinin, Y. (2020). Intelligent street lighting technologies for transport operation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012083, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012083 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Кафедра технологии строительных материалов и метрологии | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Пухаренко Юрий Владимирович | Sementsov, S., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Features of the formation of the St. Petersburg agglomeration by the beginning of the XX century, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05009.html | |
Yankovskaya, Y., Zavarikhin, S., Kurbatov, Y., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Theory of architectural morphogenesis (to the development of ideas of the phenomenological school), E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 5024, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016405024 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024/e3sconf_tpacee2020_05024.html | |||
Sementsov, S., Pukharenko, Y. (2020) Patterns of origin, formation and spatial movement of the center of Saint-Petersburg in the 1703-1730s, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4028, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404028 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04028/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04028.html | |||
Pukharenko, J., Aubakirova, I. (2020) Development of regulatory framework in field of restoration materials, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 14022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016414022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_10027/e3sconf_tpacee2020_10027.html | |||
профессор | Матвеева Лариса Юрьевна | Edamenko, A. S., Matveeva, L. Y., & Yastrebinskaya, A. V. (2020). Influence of gypsum binder phase composition on operational and mechanical properties of the hydration product, Solid State Phenomen, 299 SSP, pp. 1086-1090. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.299.1086 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/SSP.299.1086 | |
Yastrebinskaya, A. V., Matveeva, L. Y., & Edamenko, A. S. (2020). Improving the fungus resistance of polymer composite, Solid State Phenomena, 299 SSP, pp. 55-59. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.299.55 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/SSP.299.55 | |||
Matveeva, L. Y., Letenko, D. G., & Mokrova, M. V. (2020). Influence of carbon nanomodifier on the structure and properties of the modified gypsum binder doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | |||
профессор | Тихонов Юрий Михайлович | Golovina, S., Tikhonov, Y., & Sokol, I. (2020). Innovation building materials in energy-saving wall systems of historical buildings in saint petersburg. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021701004 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_01004/e3sconf_ersme20... | |
доцент | Аубакирова Ирина Утарбаевна | Pukharenko, J., Aubakirova, I.(2020) Development of regulatory framework in field of restoration materials, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 14022, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016414022 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_14022/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
доцент | Елистратов Владимир Николаевич | Elistratov, V., & Kudryasheva, I. (2020). Stability and reliability of power system operation due to use of renewable energy resources. Paper presented at the Proceedings - 2020 21st International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering, EPE 2020, doi:10.1109/EPE51172.2020.9269222 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9269222 | |
Elistratov, V. (2020). Energy supply of autonomous territories based on renewable energy sources. Paper presented at the 2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, EE and AE 2020 - Proceedings, doi:10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279083 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9279083 | |||
доцент | Летенко Дмитрий Георгиевич | Charykov, NA, Semenov, KN, Keskinov, VA, Kulenova, NA, Shaimardanov, ZK, Shaimardanova, BK, Gerasimova, LV, Kanbar, A, Letenko, DG (2020). Cryometry and excess thermodynamic functions in water soluble of the fullerenol C-60(OH)(24). Nanosystems-Physics Chemistry Mathematics, 11(2), 205-213. doi:10.17586/2220-8054-2020-11-2-205-213 | ST PETERSBURG NATL RESEARCH UNIV INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, MECH & OPTICS | WoS | б/квартиля | http://nanojournal.ifmo.ru/en/articles-2/volume11/11-2/chemistry/paper11/ | |
Matveeva, L. Y., Letenko, D. G., & Mokrova, M. V. (2020). Influence of carbon nanomodifier on the structure and properties of the modified gypsum binder doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | |||
Glushnev, G. A., Kanbar, A., Keskinov, V. A., Charykov, N. A., Semenov, K. N., Shaimardanov, Z. K., Shaimardanova, BK, Kulenova, NA, Letenko, D. G. (2020). Solubility phase equilibrium in ternary system fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) and praseodymium salt: PrCl3-C-60(OH)(24)-H2O at 25 degrees C. Nanosystems-Physics Chemistry Mathematics, 11(4), 462-467. doi:10.17586/2220-8054-2020-11-4-462-467 | ST PETERSBURG NATL RESEARCH UNIV INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES | WoS | б/квартиля | http://nanojournal.ifmo.ru/en/articles-2/volume11/11-4/chemistry/paper11/ | |||
Gerasimova, L. V., Charykov, N. A., Semenov, K. N., Keskinov, V. V., Kulenova, A. A., Shaimardanov, Z. K., Shaimardanova, B.K., Ayat, K., Letenko, D. G. (2020). Volume properties of aqueous solutions of light fullerene С60 and its association in binary C60(OH)24–H2O system at 25°С. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 94(11), 2386-2390. doi:10.1134/S0036024420110084 | Pleiades journals | Sc&WoS | Q4 | ||||
доцент | Кузьмин Олег Владимирович | Kuzmin, O. (2020). Super-hard coatings deposited under conditions of the dynamic shock wave and measurement features of control parameters during production. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 29(1), 169-176. doi:10.1515/jmbm-2020-0017 | De Gruyter Open Ltd | Scopus | Q3 | https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/jmbm/29/1/article-p169.xml | |
старший преподаватель | Мокрова Марина Владимировна | Matveeva, L. Y., Letenko, D. G., & Mokrova, M. V. (2020). Influence of carbon nanomodifier on the structure and properties of the modified gypsum binder doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/MSF.992.233 | |
Кафедра правоведения | |||||||
Профессор | Кириллова Татьяна Константиновна | Golovanov, N. M., Tychinin, S. V., Shulga, A. K., Velikaya, O. S., & Kirilova, T. K. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Architect Copyright Legal Regulation in Russia and the USA. Turismo-Estudos E Praticas. | UNIV ESTADO RIO GRANDE NORTE (Бразилия) | WoS | б/квартиля | http://natal.uern.br/periodicos/index.php/RTEP/article/view/2048 | |
доцент | Беляков Владислав Геннадьевич | Turshuk, L. D., Voronova, O. N., Belyakov, V. G., Novikova, S. V., & Staroselzeva, M. M. (2020). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL STATUS OF TESTAMENTARY FOUNDATIONS IN RUSSIA AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Turismo-Estudos E Praticas. | UNIV ESTADO RIO GRANDE NORTE (Бразилия) | WoS | б/квартиля | http://natal.uern.br/periodicos/index.php/RTEP/article/view/2051 | |
Кафедра правового регулирования градостроительной деятельности и транспорта | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Жильский Николай Николаевич | Voskresenskaya, E., Zhilskiy, N., Golovanov, N., Pisareva, N. (2020) Civil law regulation of town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009/e3sconf_tpacee... | |
профессор | Воскресенская Елена Владимировна | Voskresenskaya, E., Zhilskiy, N., Golovanov, N., Pisareva, N. (2020)Civil law regulation of town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009.html | |
Demiche, Y., Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., & Voskresenskaya, E. (2020). Method of dry construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete building. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012022, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012022 | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Economic mechanisms of public-private partnership in transport construction. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012203, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012203 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Entrepreneurship development in the field of transport recycling. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012212, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012212 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Panov, S., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Regulatory support of occupational safety in the construction industry and transport. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012250, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012250 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
профессор | Голованов Николай Михайлович | Voskresenskaya, E., Zhilskiy, N., Golovanov, N., Pisareva, N. (2020) Civil law regulation of town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009.html | |
профессор | Голованов Николай Михайлович | Golovanov, N. M., Tychinin, S. V., Shulga, A. K., Velikaya, O. S., & Kirilova, T. K. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Architect Copyright Legal Regulation in Russia and the USA. Turismo-Estudos E Praticas. | UNIV ESTADO RIO GRANDE NORTE | WoS | б/квартиля | - | |
Martirosyan, A. G., Kolomiets, E. A., Goltsov, V. B., Andreev, Y. N., & Bogatyryova, A. T. (2020). The Influence of German Legal Doctrine on the Formation of the Principle of Good Faith in the Civil Law of the Russian Federation. Turismo-Estudos E Praticas. | UNIV ESTADO RIO GRANDE NORTE | WoS | б/квартиля | - | |||
доцент | Шуваев Андрей Валерьевич | Shariapova, E., Matveeva, M., & Shuvaev, A. (2020). Efficient land use in the russian federation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021710010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010.html | |
доцент | Матвеева Марина Анатольевна | Shariapova, E., Matveeva, M., & Shuvaev, A. (2020). Efficient land use in the russian federation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021710010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010.html | |
доцент | Шаряпова Эмма Алексеевна | Shariapova, E., Matveeva, M., & Shuvaev, A. (2020). Efficient land use in the russian federation. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021710010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/77/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010/e3sconf_ersme2020_10010.html | |
Uskov, V., Shariapova, E., & Ivanova, A. (2020). On possible security risks of contract tenders for developers. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012097 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012097 | |||
Uskov, V., Shariapova, E., & Pisareva, N. (2020). On the issue of security of land transfer from agricultural to industrial and transport use. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012246, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012246 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
старший преподаватель | Писарева Наталья Леонидовна | Voskresenskaya, E., Zhilskiy, N., Golovanov, N., Pisareva, N. (2020) Civil law regulation of town planning, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4009, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404009 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04009.html | |
Uskov, V., Shariapova, E., & Pisareva, N. (2020). On the issue of security of land transfer from agricultural to industrial and transport use. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012246, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012246 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра судебных экспертиз | |||||||
профессор | Харченко Валерий Борисович | Zhukova, Y.V., Vysotskaya, A.A., Kharchenko, V.B. (2020) Vortex Intensification of Heat Transfer in Channels and Pipes with Periodic Elements of Discrete Roughness, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 6 (92), pp. 1509-1516 | Springer | Scopus | Q3 | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10891-019-02070-x | |
ассистент | Щербаков Александр Павлович | Shulzhenko, S., & Scherbakov, A. (2020). EVALUATION ON ROAD TRANSPORT PROJECTS INVESTMENT AND PROPOSALS DEVELOPMENT FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT IN RUSSIA. International Transaction Journal of Engineering Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(7). doi:10.14456/itjemast.2020.137 | TUENGR GROUP | WoS | б/квартиля | https://doi.nrct.go.th//ListDoi/listDetail?Resolve_DOI=10.14456/itjemast.2020.137 | |
Talipova, L., Lyubomirskiy, A., Povarenko, D., Scherbakov, A. (2020) Creating public space through urban analysis, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 4012, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016404012 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04012/e3sconf_tpacee2020_04012.html | |||
Scherbakov, A., Babanina, A., Solovyeva, E., & Aleksandrovskiy, M. (2020). Mechanisms of construction machines and selection of steels for the manufacture of welded metal structures. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 1001(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1001/1/012012 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1001/1/012012 | |||
Denisov, V., Bondarenko, E. , Scherbakov, A. (2020) Properties of the urban watercourse composition under anthropogenic load, E3S Web of Conferences, 164, статья № 1015, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202016401015 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_01015/e3sconf_tpacee2020_01015.html | |||
Scherbakov, A., Babanina, A., Kochetkov, I., Khoroshilov, P. (2020) Technical condition of welded load-bearing metal structures of operated agricultural hoisting cranes, E3S Web of Conferences, 175, 1005, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017511005 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/35/e3sconf_interagromash2020_11005/e3sconf_interagromash2020_11005.html | |||
старший лаборант | Лукашук Елизавета Ростиславовна | Dobromirov, V., Lukashuk, E., & Meike, U. (2020). A method for the comparative assessment of the technical quality of dump trucks with different structures. [МЕТОДИКА СРАВНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ОЦЕНКИ ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО УРОВНЯ САМОСВАЛОВ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ КОМПОНОВОЧНЫХ СХЕМ] Architecture and Engineering, 5(3), 49-55. doi:10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-3-49-55 | St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Кафедра истории и философии | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Лапина Ирина Юрьевна | Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). “Polish question” and soviet-german rapprochement in 1939-1940: Events, documents, comments. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(4), 34-51. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202004Statyi03 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Scopus | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42703667 | |
Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). Soviet-german rapprochement in 1939-1940. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(6), 43-83. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202006Statyi03 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Scopus | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43025333 | |||
Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). The unfinished monastery of saint kharlampy in gatchina as a symbolic finale of paul I era of russian absolutism. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(9), 65-89. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202009Statyi10 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Scopus | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43842290 | |||
профессор | БАЛТОВСКИЙ Леонид Васильевич | Baltovskij, L. V., Belous, V. G., Abalian, A. I., & Radikov, I. V. (2020). Axiological guidelines of civil education in modern russia. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 8(1), 266-271. | Dorma Journals | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
доцент | КАРГАПОЛЬЦЕВ Сергей Юрьевич | Kargapoltsev, S. Yu; Sedykh, V. N. (2020) Finds of "Stone Circles" in the Northwest of the Kola Peninsula (problems of attribution and chronology), STRATUM PLUS, ,4 pp.395-408 | HIGH ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCH UNIV | Верховская Яна Ивановна: к Sc- Q1 WoS | б/квартиля | - | |
Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). “Polish question” and soviet-german rapprochement in 1939-1940: Events, documents, comments. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(4), 34-51. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202004Statyi03 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Sc&WoS | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42703667 | |||
Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). Soviet-german rapprochement in 1939-1940. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(6), 43-83. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202006Statyi03 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Scopus | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43025333 | |||
Kargapoltsev, S. Y., & Lapina, I. Y. (2020). The unfinished monastery of saint kharlampy in gatchina as a symbolic finale of paul I era of russian absolutism. Voprosy Istorii, 2020(9), 65-89. doi:10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202009Statyi10 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii | Sc&WoS | Q2 | https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43842290 | |||
доцент | Лобанова Юлия Игоревна | Lobanova, Y. I. (2020). Distant studying experience reflection during pandemic of COVID-19 (on the example of teaching in the technical university). Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1691(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1691/1/012152 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1691/1/012152 | |
Lobanova, Y., & Evtiukov, S. (2020). Role and methods of accident ability diagnosis in ensuring traffic safety. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 363-372. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.043 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520307912?via%3Dihub | |||
Lobanova, Y. I. (2020). Basic guidelines, principles and psychological-pedagogical technologies of creation of the engineer of the future doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47415-7_66 | Springer | Sc | Q4 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-47415-7_66 | |||
Кафедра менеджмента в строительстве | |||||||
профессор | Дроздова Ирина Валерьевна | Tulebekova, A., Zhussupbekov, A., Zhumadilov, I., Bukenbaeva, D., Drozdova, I. (2020) Laboratory tests of soils on triaxial compression apparatus, 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019. | Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | Sc | б/квартиля | - | |
профессор | Гераськина Инна Николаевна | Geraskina, I. N.; Goncharenko, L. P. (2020) Concept and Methodological Aspects of Providing Balanced Innovative Development of Transportation System of the Russian Federation, SCIENCE & TECHNIQUE, 19, 2, 101-107. DOI 10.21122/2227-1031-2020-19-2-101-107 | BELARUSIAN NATL TECHNICAL UNIV (Беларусия) | WoS | б/квартиля | https://sat.bntu.by/jour/article/view/2294 | |
Geraskina, I. N., & Egorova, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of the linear models' use in the forecasting investment decisions in the construction sector of the russian federation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 913(5) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/913/5/052008 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/913/5/052008 | |||
Natalia, A., Nadezhda, B., Inna, G., & Marina, E. (2020). Synergetic effect-quintence of innovative development of socio-economic systems. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(8), 11060-11072. doi:10.37200/IJPR/V24I8/PR281091 | Hampstead Psychological Associates | Sc | Q4 | - | |||
профессор | Пушкарева Людмила Васильевна | Duong, V. A. T., & Pushkareva, L. (2020). Protecting the environment for the sake of sustainable development from the perspective of implementing social responsibilities of vietnamese enterprises. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 164 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016411011 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/24/e3sconf_tpacee2020_11011/e3sconf_tpacee2020_11011.html | |
профессор | Токунова Галина Федоровна | Tokunova, G., & Rajczyk, M. (2020). Smart technologies in development of urban agglomerations (case study of st. petersburg transport infrastructure). Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 681-688. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.080 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308310?via%3Dihub | |
доцент | Приходько Александра Николаевна | Vinogradova, N. V., Zemlyakova, G. M., Ippolitova, N. V., Prihodko, A. N., Valiev, G. H., & Thomas, S. M. (2020). Higher Education as a Means of Formation of Innovative Personality at Different Periods of Society Reform. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(4), 240-252. | INT JOURNAL APPLIED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY | WoS | б/квартиля | - | |
доцент | Трушковская Екатерина Дмитриевна | Selyutina, L. G., Pesotskaya, E. V., & Trushkovskaya, E. D. (2020). Analysis of approaches to the implementation of programs for the urban complexes reconstruction in russia. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/3/032044 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/3/032044 | |
Pesotskaya, E., Selyutina, L.& Trushkovskaya, E. Creation of integrated interaction monitoring in the construction companies management (2020) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 962 (2), статья № 022082 DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022082 | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/2/022082 | |||
доцент | Белова Надежда Евгеньевна | Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Economic mechanisms of public-private partnership in transport construction. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012203, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012203 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||
Belova, N., Voskresenskaya, E., & Vorona-Slivinskaya, L. (2020). Entrepreneurship development in the field of transport recycling. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012212, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012212 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
ассистент | Егорова Марина Сергеевна | Geraskina, I. N., & Egorova, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of the linear models' use in the forecasting investment decisions in the construction sector of the russian federation. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 913(5) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/913/5/052008 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/913/5/052008 | |
Кафедра экономики строительства и ЖКХ | |||||||
профессор | Асаул Анатолий Николаевич | Asaul, A. N., Asaul, M. A., Levin, Y. A., & Platonov, A. M. (2020). Energy supply to isolated areas: Attracting investment and developing regional economy. [Энергоснабжение изолированных территорий в контексте привлечения инвестиций и развития экономики региона] Economy of Region, 16(3), 884-895. doi:10.17059/ekon.reg.2020-3-16 | Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Sc&WoS | Q2 | ||
Marinov, M., Asaul, A., Skorokhodov, D., & Malygina, E. (2020). Development of methods for professional and axiological certification of transport experts activities. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Procedia, , 50 436-443. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.052 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520308000?via%3Dihub | |||
Asaul, A., Voynarenko, M., Yemchuk, L., & Dzhulii, L. (2020). New realities of the enterprise management system information support: Economic and mathematical models and cloud technologies. Journal of Information Technology Management, 12(3) doi:10.22059/JITM.2020.76293 | University of Tehran | Sc | Q4 | ||||
доцент | Аблязов Тимур Хасанович | Ablyazov, T. (2020). Application of an interdisciplinary approach to the implementation of projects to create a comfortable environment for human life. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 8(3), 1136-1139. Retrieved from www.Sc.com | Dorma Journals | Sc | Q4 | ||
Vishnivetskaya, A., & Ablyazov, T. (2020). Improving state regulation of the digital transformation in the investment and construction sector. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012001, 940(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/940/1/012001 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля | ||||
Кафедра экономической безопасности | |||||||
заведующий кафедрой | Моденов Анатолий Константинович | Modenov, A. K., Semenova, A. V., & Lelyavina, T. A. (2020). CURRENCY REGULATION AND CURRENCY CONTROL MECHANISM AS AN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY EFFICIENCY TOOL. Revista Inclusiones, 7, 311-322. | EDITORIAL CUADERNOS SOFIA | WoS | Q4 | ||
Vlasov, M.P., Modenov, A.K., Harchenko, O.V. (2020) Modelling of the supply chain planning for the business and economic security, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (3), pp. 750-756 | ExcelingTech Publishers | Sc | Q3 | https://ojs.excelingtech.co.uk/index.php/IJSCM/article/view/4920 | |||
профессор | Власов Марк Павлович | Vlasov, M.P. (2020) Logistic supply chain management and economic security of the enterprise, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (3), pp. 516-523. | ExcelingTech Publishers | Sc | Q3 | https://ojs.excelingtech.co.uk/index.php/IJSCM/article/view/4898 | |
Zheng, Y., Vlasov, M. P., Nikitina, L. N., Shikov, P. A., & Shikov, Y. A. (2020). Formation of the optimal model of the industrial cluster of Chinese garment enterprises based on the management of strategic economic zone. Reice-Revista Electronica De Investigacion En Ciencias Economicas, 8(16), 244-261. doi:10.5377/reice.v8i16.10698 | UNIV NACL AUTONOMA NICARAGUA | WoS | Q4 | ||||
Vlasov, M.P., Modenov, A.K., Harchenko, O.V. (2020) Modelling of the supply chain planning for the business and economic security, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (3), pp. 750-756 | ExcelingTech Publishers | Sc | Q3 | https://ojs.excelingtech.co.uk/index.php/IJSCM/article/view/4920 | |||
профессор | Харченко Олег Витальевич | Vlasov, M.P., Modenov, A.K., Harchenko, O.V. (2020) Modelling of the supply chain planning for the business and economic security, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9 (3), pp. 750-756 | ExcelingTech Publishers | Sc | Q3 | - | |
доцент | Орловская Тамара Николаевна | Rutman, Y. L., & Ostrovskaya, N. V. (2020). Damping optimization in seismic isolation systems doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd | Sc | Q3 | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.828.129 | |
Ershova, S. A., & Orlovskaya, T. N. (2020). Differentiation of russian megalopolises by the level of urban environment quality and the standard needs of the population. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 962(3) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032066 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032066 | |||
Ershova, S., & Orlovskaya, T. (2020). Provision of the population of saint petersburg with green construction objects. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, , 217 doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021702010 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | EDP Sciences | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/962/3/032066 | |||
Ershova, S. A., & Orlovskaya, T. N. (2020). The concept of socio-spatial development as the basis of economic security of megalopolises. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022087 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022087 | |||
Orlovskaya, T. (2020). Research of socio-spatial aspect of economic security of megacities: Risk zones and conflict nodes. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 753(2) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022083 | Institute of Physics Publishing (Великобритания) | Sc | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022083 | |||
Orlovskaya, T. (2020) Sustainability and economic security of territorial development in St. Petersburg, E3S Web of Conferences, 157, 3012, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202015703012 | EDP Sciences | Sc | б/квартиля | https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2020/17/e3sconf_ktti2020_03012/e3sconf_ktti2020_03012.html | |||
доцент | Семенова Анна Викторовна | Modenov, A. K., Semenova, A. V., & Lelyavina, T. A. (2020). CURRENCY REGULATION AND CURRENCY CONTROL MECHANISM AS AN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY EFFICIENCY TOOL. Revista Inclusiones, 7, 311-322. | EDITORIAL CUADERNOS SOFIA | WoS | Q4 | ||
доцент | Лелявина Татьяна Анатольевна | Modenov, A. K., Semenova, A. V., & Lelyavina, T. A. (2020). CURRENCY REGULATION AND CURRENCY CONTROL MECHANISM AS AN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY EFFICIENCY TOOL. Revista Inclusiones, 7, 311-322. | EDITORIAL CUADERNOS SOFIA | WoS | Q4 | ||
доцент | Усков Владислав Владимирович | Uskov, V., Shariapova, E., & Ivanova, A. (2020). On possible security risks of contract tenders for developers. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 953(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012097 Retrieved from www.scopus.com | IOP Publishing Ltd | Scopus | б/квартиля | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/953/1/012097 | |
Uskov, V., Shariapova, E., & Pisareva, N. (2020). On the issue of security of land transfer from agricultural to industrial and transport use. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 012246, 918(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012246 Retrieved from www.Sc.com | IOP Publishing Ltd. | Sc | б/квартиля |