

Department of Land Transport and Technological Machines

About the department

The Department of Land Transport and Technological Machines of the Faculty of Automobile and Road Building has existed since 1943 and graduates qualified specialists for the automotive, construction and road industries. At present, the need for well-trained qualified specialists is great and is due to the intensive development of the scientific, technical and industrial spheres in the fields of transport and construction, robotics and process automation.

The department prepares highly qualified professionals in the specialist's program 23.05.01 "Land transport and technological means", specialization "Lifting and transportation, construction, road vehicles and equipment"; in the bachelor's program 15.03.03 "Applied mechanics", specialization "Computational mechanics and computer engineering"; in the master's program 23.04.02 "Land transport and technological complexes", specialization "Motor vehicles, road and construction machines".
History Objectives Courses


Visiting address

Offices 304-K, 307-K, 2/5 Kurlyandskaya str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Map Scheme Faculty of Automobile and Road Building
Elena V. Kurakina

Welcome from the head of the department

Dear colleagues and friends! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Land Transport and Technological Machines!
The department employs highly qualified teachers, including six doctors of technical sciences and professors; 10 candidates of engineering sciences, associate professors; two honored workers of higher education of the Russian Federation; two honorary workers of higher education and three laureates of the St Petersburg Government Prize.
The department implements doctoral, postgraduate and master's programs. The department is equipped with laboratories that ensure high quality of the educational process and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. The department conducts active research activities, carries out scientific and production activities and interacts with leading representatives of the motor transport, construction, road industries and other structures.

Fields of study

PhD degree

2.5.11. Land transport and technological machines and complexes (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

15.03.03 Applied mechanics (Intramural studies)

Specialist degree

23.05.01 Land transport and technological means (Intramural studies)

Specialist degree

23.05.01 Land transport and technological means (Extramural studies)

Master's degree

23.04.02 Land transport and technological complexes (Intramural studies)

Master's degree

15.04.03 Applied mechanics (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (Intramural studies)


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