

Department of Structural Physics, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering

About the department

In the course of studying physics, it is necessary to prepare students to apply the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems. For this, the theoretical study of each module is accompanied by the solution of problems on its subject both in the classroom and as independent work of students. To acquire and improve the skills of a physical experiment, students are offered a laboratory workshop in physics, which is constantly updated and modernized. In the course of the practical work, students get acquainted with the measuring equipment, learn to evaluate the accuracy of measurements and determine the error of the result. The content of the laboratory workshop corresponds to the theoretical course. During the course of physics, students perform two or three laboratory works from each module. Much attention is paid to the independent work of students, which includes the study of theory, the solution of individual tasks, the calculation and preparation of reports on laboratory work. The control of its implementation is carried out by teachers and with the help of the "TEST" complex using a PC, programs and test materials developed at the department. The final forms of knowledge control are tests and exams.
History Courses Scientific activity


Visiting address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Structural physics

Office 315

Offices 310 (311)

Power engineering and electrical engineering

Office 503

Map Scheme Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services
Yana G. Kirk

Welcome from the head of the department

Dear collegues, friends! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Structural Physics, Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering!
When studying the discipline "Physics", the main physical phenomena, fundamental laws and theories of classical and modern physics are considered. In the process of learning, students listen to a course of lectures, perform laboratory work and solve problems in practical classes. The course of lectures in physics includes five modules:
  1. Physical foundations of mechanics
  2. Statistical physics and thermodynamics
  3. Electricity and magnetism
  4. Wave optics
  5. Fundamentals of quantum physics
The main objective of the lecture course is to form students' modern ideas about the fundamental regularities of physical processes in nature.

Fields of study

Bachelor’s degree

13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering (Extramural studies)


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